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"Oh ho... Aren't you a little mature to be walking around with hickeys my dear sister?" Thatch crept up on you and poked a tender spot on your neck.
"Shut it." you groaned, "He got a little carried away."
"Oo that thing is ugly, yoi." Marco added entering the kitchen.
"You guys suck." you mumbled.
"Not us, but clearly your boyfriend." Thatch chuckled.
"I hate you." you tossed a baby carrot at him.
"Awe, what kind of brother would I be if I didn't tease my favorite sister?"
"Your only sister." you sneered.
"That doesn't mean you can't be the favorite."
"If I was really the favorite you'd help me get rid of it because the second Ace sees I will never hear the end of it."

Marco took a coin out of his pocket and gently raked it across the bruised skin.

"I'm pretty sure that's an old wives tale." you commented as he stepped back.
"The swelling went down a little." Thatch sounded surprised.
"You'll have to do it a few times to make this monster go away. You should probably go put some makeup on it, yoi."
"I'll take over here." Thatch pushed you toward the door.

You went upstairs without protest to dab some concealer on your neck.

When you came back down dinner was ready and everyone was sitting at the big dining room table waiting for you. Your brothers and their girlfriends had managed to leave you a seat between Pops and Zoro. The greenette was still a little stiff from your surprising interaction earlier and adorably averted his gaze as you claimed your chair.

"It's nice of you to join us, lass." your father rumbled.
"Sorry for making you wait." you murmured as Thatch began passing bowls of sides around.

Conversation shifted to the anual Newgate Christmas party, which was one of the biggest parties of the year only second to the joint celebration of New Year's and Ace's birthday. You hadn't been to either in so long planning it was getting you excited. You just had to promise not to start a fight this time.

After dinner everyone helped clear the table and disappeared leaving you alone in the kitchen elbow deep in soapy water. It wasn't your favorite chore but you turned on some music and shuffled around making the best of it.

"I could keep digging
Provide all the things that you're missing boy
But why should I worry that I'm not enough
Say you don't like me - "

You were so absorbed in swaying and singing that you hadn't noticed anyone enter the kitchen.

"Enough to stand up and just fight me boy
Then we will both know that it's time to give up -"

He smirked watching you get more involved in the song, not having the will or the heart to interrupt.

"If I could just tell you
I've fallen in more than I care to now
It's strange, so afraid I might be in love...
Slow down, slow down
Take it from the beginning
I'm here why are you still aro-..."

As you were finishing the chorus you turned cutting yourself off in a gasp at the sight of your company.

"Zoro, shit... You scared me!" you flushed wildly and slapped his chest with a kitchen towel.
"I just came to see if you needed a hand," he had a rosy tint to his cheeks as well, "I didn't know you could sing."
"I wanted to be famous when I was a kid." you laughed, "Marco used to help me put on little talent shows at the orphanage."

He chuckled joining you at the sink while your music continued to play.

"Here, you dry," you handed him a freshly rinsed plate, "What did you want to be when you grew up?"
"Still working on that actually," he muttered, " I'm saving up to open a dojo."
"I didn't know you were into martial arts." you handed him another dish.
"Kendo." he specified, "I'm an instructor on the weekend."
"How many jobs do you have?" you couldn't help but smile imagining him teaching little kids.
"Just the three." he answered sliding the plate he had just dried into the cabinet to his right.
"I'm sure you'll have the space you need in no time, sensei." you nudged his elbow earning another light blush from the greenette.
"Maybe a couple more years."
"Let me know if you need anything. I know a lot of realtors through the company."

He nodded.

"Why didn't you try to be famous?" he glanced at you curiously.
"Things changed as I got older," you shrugged, "plus it would have crushed the old man if I didn't want to take after him."

"I'm glad we convinced him to go in there." Nami whispered as she and Al watched the two of you converse from the barely open door.


It was one of the rare evenings that you had to spend with your boyfriend. You sat with your back against his chest while tattooed fingers absentmindedly fiddled with yours. He was engrossed in some medical show that you had no interest in so you let your mind wander.

Law had noticed your aloof behavior. He may not have spent much time with you, but he could tell when you were tuned out. There was also this nagging feeling of something lacking, like you just couldn't complete the connection. He assumed it was because he was always busy, and unfortunately there wasn't much he could do about that. After the first of the year he'd be taking over for the current attending.

The silence was interrupted by your ringing phone. Seeing Marco's picture flash across your screen gave you an uneasy feeling for some reason.

"Everything ok?" you didn't bother with a greeting.
"It's Pops, yoi," he breathed, "we're headed to the hospital."
"On my way!" you jumped to your feet and ended the call.

Law dropped you off at the hospital, kissing your forehead before you exited. Knowing how stressful these situations can be, especially with all of your siblings he opted to sit this one out. When you entered the emergency room waiting area your eyes immediately fell upon your younger brothers huddled in the corner.

Ace saw you first and rushed to hug you and fill you in on the situation.

"They are going to do some scans and blood work." the raven gently tugged you down to the seat between he and Sabo.
"Basically they think it has spread." the younger blonde added.
"F/N," you heard your older brother call across the room, "we need you to come back for a moment."

You trotted to him and followed him passed the double doors down a darkened corridor to a more private exam room where your father lay.

"Hospice?" Marco questioned as you entered.
"Yes," the redheaded doctor affirmed, " he's reached a stage where we would suggest professional help attend to him at least twice a week. Especially now that he has refused further treatment."
"Refused treatment?!" you all but shrieked.
Thatch shushed you and pulled you into his side, "He doesn't want to deal with the side effects anymore."
"It's now in your best interest to spend time with him and keep him comfortable." the oncologist added.

Your blurrying vision swayed to the enormous man resting quietly in the hospital bed.

"We'll d-do whate-ver he asks." you hiccupped, knowing there would be no way to change his mind.

Your brothers enveloped you while you sobbed.

"We'll admit him to get him stable over the next forty-eight hours. By the time he's released we'll have a hospice schedule mapped out for you."

After the doctors left your brothers sat you down.

"I don't think we should tell the babies." you muttered gnawing on your lip.
"They deserve to know." Thatch argued.
"They're young and they won't understand, yoi." as expected Marco took your side.
"And you know Ace when he's upset. I don't want him to shut down. If they don't know they'll go about like they always have with him." you wiped the moisture from your cheeks, "Pops would prefer that."
Thatch let out a sigh running a stressed hand through his deflated locks, "If that's what you think is best I won't argue."

After collecting yourself you went back out to tell the boys Pops would be admitted and sent them home. You sat in the waiting room a while longer fumbling with your phone. Thatch and Marco would still be a bit longer, staying to be sure paperwork was filled out and Pops was resting comfortably in his room.

Before you could stop to think about it your fingers were gliding over the keyboard on your phone.

Me: I need you.

Zoro: What's wrong? Where are you?

A/N - Song is Eggshells by Wild Child.

The One : Roronoa Zoro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now