Chapter Ten

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When we reached Logan I looked at his workstation, there were three lines of white powder laid on the bench. Logan was carefully putting an additional line of cocaine on the table. Josh’s smile broadened, and Mr Carrigan rubbed his hands together. I gulped. I was really uncomfortable with the presence of this. This was serious. This was fucking real.

“It’s done, now Josh I suppose you can have the first sample?” Logan joked. Logan didn’t joke very often.

Josh smiled and leaned his head down so it was just above the line of white powder. He breathed in the cocaine through his nose causing a snorting sound. He slowly moved his head up towards the end of the table, snorting as he went, until all the cocaine was gone.

“Oh yeah… that’s good shit Logan. Good shit.” Josh said.

I didn’t know much about coke. But I was pretty sure it didn’t work that quickly.

“Azza are you having a line?” Josh asked, raising his eyebrows questionably.

“Sure why not? I have free periods this afternoon.” Mr Carrigan said.

Until then I had completely forgotten this was all taking place at my school. At my fucking school!

As I was silently thinking to myself Mr Carrigan did the same thing Josh did with his line of cocaine, when he pulled his head back up, you could see a bit of white residue under his nose.

“Azza, you have shit under your nose.” Josh laughed. “Logan have a line for your hard work man.”

Logan quickly obliged, eager for the high that he got from cocaine. After Josh, Mr Carrigan and Logan all finished there line they all looked at me.

“What?” I said.

“Jess, have a line.” I thought Josh said it but was surprised when the words slipped out of Logan’s mouth.

“N-no I don’t do drugs.” I sounded like a prissy little girl.

“C’mon there fun though.” Mr Carrigan said jokingly.

I tried another excuse. “I-I don’t know how to snort… cocaine.” I cringed at the disgusting word.

Josh smiled. “Aww the straight arse little girl, doesn’t know how to snort?”

“I’m the same age as you Josh.” I said brusquely.

“You can shoot up instead?” Logan offered.

I shot him a look. “I hate needles.”

“Then fucking snort the motherfucker you prudish bitch.” Mr Carrigan yelled.

Ok now I know why Mr Carrigan was really angry in after Lunch classes.

“Fine.” I nervously lowered my head to the table, just like I watched them do. I sucked in the white powder through my nose. I did it to fast and abruptly and choked. I coughed and spluttered and tried to blow the power out of my nose before I ripped out a sneeze. Mr Carrigan glared at me while Logan and Josh burst into fits of laughter.

“You really are more innocent then I thought.” Logan said through the laughter.

“I am not innocent.” I defended.

“You haven’t touched a drug in your life, trust me you're missing out.”

“Y-Yes I have, I have smoked pot.” This was a lie, but I would never admit it.

“Ah so little Jessie is a stoner?” Josh cackled.

I stayed silent.

“Logan, tell Steve to bring over some pot.”

It was obvious Josh was high now. He had a new layer of confidence to his personality.

Logan made his way over to Mr Lenard. Mr Lenard was not just a science teacher, but the Agriculture one as well. I figure that he grows the marijuana, since he has the experience with plants.

Logan and Mr Lenard made there way over to us. I noticed that Mr Lenard held a small plastic bag. It had a few suspicious looking cigarettes in it.

“Steven, hydro or bush?” Mr Carrigan grumbled. Obviously the cocaine had a very different effect on him compared to Josh.

“It’s hydroponics, it’s to cold out for natural.” Mr Lenard explained.

“Yeah, yeah just give us a joint.” Mr Carrigan snapped.

Mr Lenard rolled out four joints and handed one too each of us. I eyed mine doubtfully.

“Josh are you sure you need that after the coke?” Mr Carrigan sneered.

“Yeah Aaron I’m sure, I never say no to the weed samples. No matter how high I already am.” Josh laughed.

I watched Josh light his illegal type of smoke. He breathed in and smiled.

“Do you wanna share one…uh what’s her name?” Logan asked Josh.

“Jessica.” Mr Carrigan barked.

“Jessica do you want share the smoke? I don’t feel like getting too stoned.” Logan asked me.

I didn’t feel like getting stoned at all. But I had no choice.

“Yeah. Sure.” I said.

Logan lit the joint. He took a long drag on the smoke, smiled then passed it onto me. I reluctantly took the pot and managed a weak smile to Logan. He nodded. I held the joint up to my lips and put the end of the cigarette in my mouth. I tried to take a drag. I felt the smoke rush into my lungs. I was praying that I wouldn’t cough. My prayers weren’t answered as I let out a rip-roaring cough. I couldn’t control my coughing while my lungs attempted to rid the poison travelling into my lungs.

Josh laughed. “Honey you obviously haven’t smoked pot before, so you really shouldn’t lie to me.”

“Don’t call me honey.” I replied shortly.

 “Don't lie then. Ill call you whatever I damn well want to.” Josh threatened me playfully. Well, what I hoped was playful.

I ignored him and pulled my phone from my pocket to check the time. It was 2:03. Well into 5th period already. I guess I have to stay down here for a while.

“Jessie? Are you ok? You couldn’t be stoned from one little puff.” Josh teased.

“No I was just checking the time. And stop calling me Jessie!” I snapped. I had become a little more confident with Josh. I talked back a bit, but I still had to watch myself.

Like Josh had been reading my thoughts, he spoke, teasing me.

“Aww you’re getting feisty with me Jessie?” Josh giggled. “I like my babe’s feisty.”

“I am not your babe.” I scoffed.

“You know you want to be. C’mere Jessie baby.” Josh crooned. Extending his arms in embrace. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I lent into Josh’s arms. Letting him hug me.

“What the fuck is this Jessica?!” I heard a voice yell in the opposite corner of the room.

I quickly shot my head up to find the voice.

It was Beau.

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