Chapter Thirty-Seven

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(A/N: Josh is not a pleasant person guys. DO NOT hold ME accountable for anything he might say. I DO NOT believe in anything he might so happen to say. Use this for further reference.)

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I looked down at her. Hey she was actually really pretty. Even though her face was pale and her eyes shut, I could see the beauty to her. Oh well she was gone now. I looked around at the pool of blood that was surrounding her. There was still a small trickle dripping down her arm. It looked like she had cut herself, you know how most teenage girls do these days? I swear they are all just little attention whores. I doubt eighty percent of girls that cut actually do it because they are depressed or anxious or anything legit they might be going through. Anyway I had to say I was pretty proud, this would be an easy one to give a false trail on.

I started throughly mopping and then scrubbing the floor of any blood or residue that could be traced. I looked down at my clothes after I was finished. I had blood on the side of my shirt and collar. I removed my shirt when suddenly someone burst through the door.

Their eyes met mine.

"Woah sorry am I interrupting something-" Their eyes trailed down to Tiarna.

"What. The. Fuck. Have. You. Done." He spat every word, ever so slowly.

"Get the fuck out." I said viciously.

"And you honestly think Jess will go back to you?" He said flatly, jogging up the stairs away from me.

What the actual fuck was he doing down here anyway! Holy shit I was beyond angry. He was lucky I didn't kill him, now he honestly had the audacity to come prancing down here like he owned the fucking joint. Well guess what Beau. You stupid son of a bitch. I own this fucking bussiness, not you.

I let my murderous rage for Beau subside a little before I picked Tiarna up off the chair bridal style and carried her up the stairs. Her limp, lifeless body resting in my arms. I felt a pang of guilt, I had never felt guilty about this kind of thing before. Why now? I have absolutely no clue. Yes, yes don't worry I made completely sure there would be no classes in E1 after lunch. I layed her down near one of the practical benches. I had to make sure it looked she had committed suicide herself. I could make it look like she had used my knife, it could be traced to me. I looked in all the work stations and came up empty handed. I went into the science staff supplies room and found something perfect. A scalpel. I molded her fingers so it looked like she had been holding the scalpel and then dropped it when she lost consciousness. I stepped backed and smiled as I looked down at her. It looked almost believable, almost. Something was missing.

She had over two dozen cuts on her arms but not more that a few drops of blood on the floor. What the hell am I going to do. I began to panic. Shit I am going to get caught. I have blown everything for a measly 200 dollars. I have blown the bussiness. I have ruined my life. I am going to go to fuckinf jail for a long motherfucking time. Think Josh think. I had an idea, a stupid stupid desperate idea. But what other option did I have? Go to jail for life? Nah thanks I'll pass.

I ran to the staff only room and grabbed another scalpel. I went back into the main part of the classroom. I had to do this, as much as I didn't want to I had to. If I wanted to keep my freedom and to of course get back with Jess. This is what I had to do. I stood close to Tiarna's body, almost standing over her. I positioned my self so that my outer thigh wad in line with her arm. I cut my leg so blood would fall next to her arm. This plan didn't go as expected. Turns out it was to painful for an unsatisfactory result. I was doomed. My only hope was that the police around her were extremely stupid. Or the school would try and cover this up. I crossed my fingers as I ran from the room.

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The last class was kind of a blur to me. I had so much just constantly swirling around in my head. Like my head was a toilet, someone would come and do a shit or a piss, then the toilet would be flushed. But wait it's clogged! There is too much in the toilet! So it just keeps swirling and swirling, that doesn't stop more shit being loaded into it does it? Nope. Best analogy ever right? Yeah I know it is don't tell me it stunk. That was shit I'm sorry. No honestly I'll stop with the puns now.

Anyway what I was trying to say was my head is dealing with enough problems and thought as it is. But then something else piles onto of it. It's making it really hard to process things properly.

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My dad picked me up, and of course is precious little tramp-I mean girlfriend was clinging to his arm for dear life. Or he was the last piece if salami on earth. God I love salami.

As I sat in the back seat of my dad's stock standard commodore. I realised it had been a long day. Actually it had been a long week. Or more acurately, a long fucking life. Yet it was hard to believe I was only sixteen. In one single week of my life I had almost lost Jessica, the girl I truly and whole heartedly loved. I had watched her kill Darcy, a guy I had known for over four years, then try and kill herself. I cried so much that day. More than I have my entire life I'm sure. I took drugs I had never taken before. I had a fight with Beau, the guy used to be the brother I never had, now was my living nightmare. And now I had risked everything I had built up, including myself by killing Tiarna Weatherstone. What on Earth have I done?

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