Chapter 3

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The next morning at 8am sharp the doorbell rings. I open the door and smile when I see Calum.

"Good morning" he says as I grab my bag.

"Good morning Calum" I smile as we walk down my driveway.

"Did you sleep well" he asks as he takes my hand in his and we walk like that all the way to school.


We walk into the office and get my schedule and everything.

"Alright, first class?" he asks me.

"Drama... room 305" I say.

"Ok come with me" he takes my hand again and we walk. Into a building.

"This is you" he says when we get to the door.

"Thanks Calum" I give him a quick hug and we go inside together.

"Hello" the teacher smiles and gets up from her desk.

"Hi" I say and glance around the empty classroom.

"Your Kaylee, right?" I nod as I take in my surroundings. "Ok... well Kaylee I don't have a seating chart so go ahead and take any seat you like. after attendance you'll be out of your seat a lot anyways" she says.

"Ok" I smile.

"Bye" Calum waves and leaves.

"Bye" I sigh. I sit down in the middle of the classroom so there will be people all around me and start to talk with the teacher a bit. When other students start coming in I get quite though.

The bell rang and everyone sat down for attendance. A few minute later a tall boy walked in. He had a band T-shirt on with black skinny jeans and short black boots. He had a piercing through his eyebrow and small gage earrings. His hair was also dyed a light purple.(Michael had purple hair when I wrote this chapter) I smiled, intrigued by his presence.

"Michael, your late" the teacher sighs.

"Sorry" he grunts and sits in an empty seat a few rows behind me and to the left.

"Anyways class. I'm sure you notice our new student, Kaylee please stand up." I sigh.

"Not this again" I mumble and I stand.

"Kaylee say your full name and one random fact about yourself."

"I'm Kaylee Spencer and I'd rather be asleep than here" I say simply and sit back down.

"Wouldn't we all?" someone a ways behind me said quietly.

"Alright class pair up and get ready for an acting exercise." She says and students rush around getting into groups of two. I timidly get up and glance around. Everyone looked to have had a partner as I scanned the room. My eyes finally land on someone who didn't. He was smirking and staring straight at me.

"Kaylee, will you be my partner?" he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah..." I sighed and walked over to him.

"I'm Michael" he smiled as we turned to look at the teacher.

"Ok now everyone needs to make up some kind of special and unique handshake with their partner" she says. "You have 10 minutes and they better be unique."

"Yes Ms. Patterson." The class said together.

"Ok" Michael said. "Since we both want to be asleep right now, let's work with that" he smiled. "At the end we can do this" he put his hands together an rested his head ontop.

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