Unspeakable Truth

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I was in that black room once more. And there was no light present, not at first. I didn't know where I was, or how I got there, but I wasn't worried. Not yet anyways.

  I looked around, up and down the darkened room, as I felt that sense of calmness and safeness once again, as I had nothing on my mind bothering me. Those windows of light shone through and appeared, as that energy and that happiness I got grew and grew. And right as I was about to reach for the door handle, the light I had recently seen snapped off in a second, as the windows disappeared, and the dark came back. And a different feeling took over. Fear and pain. And right as I turned around, there he stood out of no where. Martins gave me a smirk which sent chills my way, as I continued to walk backwards and away from him.

  "Chris," he whispered as I felt my heart almost explode with the fear and relentless I had for that man. No! Go away! Get away from me! I wanted to scream but I couldn't get the words out. "Chris, you will never be able to get away from me. Never...."

   The sun shone brightly in my eyes the next morning as I tried to roll over and block it out. However that didn't seem to work much, considering our curtains in the living room barely concealed any light. They were so shear and light, they only just covered figures in the house.

  That dream I had, or more like nightmare was the one thing that woke me up mostly, so did that bright and blazing sun. That was now the second or third dream I had of him, in which I was somehow spooked awake. It felt weird, because in some ways I felt like I was finally free from him. Like he was somehow gone forever from my life. But I wasn't too sure on that. Considering the dreams. Like he had said in this last one, I would never get away from him. Was that really true? Will he always be with me in some way? Will I always be carrying that part of me around? The Chris part? And as I thought about it for a few more moments, I tried to brush it away, and start thinking about my new life, the one I had now surrounded by my family. No. He will not be with me. He's in jail. And he's staying there, I hope. Just forget about him. Just focus on your family and being home. Forget about Martins. He has no control in your life anymore.

As I began to stretch, Polo jumped off onto the floor in a hurry as he whined at me a bit. He was standing closer to the door, indicating he wanted to be put outside.

"Ok Polo, I'm coming," I yawned and stretched some more as I began to get up, and we walked over to the kitchen, near the back door. I followed him out as we both walked over to the steps out the back door, as Polo made a beeline towards the grass. I chose not to go out the front this time, mostly because I wasn't too sure if there were press and reporters out there today, I didn't check before I went out the back.

  The backyard looked exactly how I once remembered it, with the garage out by the right and the same old wooden shed beside it. However, the kid toys and little play structure we had once in the left corner of the backyard was no longer there.

  I stepped down our cold cemented steps as I sat down on the second one, letting Polo continue to sniff around and I let the sun that shone behind me warm up the back of my head. Although it was a rather chillier day this morning, which made the sun rays feel nice along my skin. I wasn't too sure as to what time it was, however I did believe it was early, considering not a lot of noise was present in our area.

  It felt weird to wake up at my own home this morning, as I was almost expecting to wake back up in that single bedroom, with Martins sleeping away in the bed next to mine. However, I was rather thrilled I didn't wake up to that, as it felt like a slight piece of relief. I no longer had to be wary around him, and no longer had to worry about sharing the same room. All of that horror and trauma was over, and now all I had to do was get back into the swing of things at home, and back into routine. As I inhaled the cold air it made me choke a bit, but I tried to relax and let the day seep into myself, enjoying my surroundings. Suddenly, I jumped quite a bit as I heard the back screen door slam, as I turned around and saw Cody strolling out of the house.

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