Chapter 9: Served cold

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I throw a punch into his nose so hard his head bounces off his car hood and he falls to the ground. Start kicking him in the ribs.

"Baby no!!" Ailani screams trying to run over. Candy grabs her around the waist stopping her and shes falls to the ground screaming at me to stop. I throw his head into the car, then kick his head into his headlight. The light shatters. Blood starts gushing down his face. He coughs up blood on the drive way.

I  lift him up and throw him down on his back. I jump on top him and start choking him.

"Ay nigga this isn't a fight this is you getting your ass kicked!" i say as he said back in juvie.

(Krack) i throw my fist into his mouth and his head bounces off the concrete drive way.

"Z stop!" Ailani screams while crying.

I start throwing hands into his face. His head keeps bouncing off the driveway. I get glass from the headlight in my knuckles but dont give a fuck.

The blood splattering all over the driveway and his car is slowly satisfying me.

"Who's winning now!" i shout at Brendan.

"Get the fuck off him nigga." a girl shouts as she runs up and pulls me off Brendan.

"Chill out im good bro, im good!" i say as She lets me go.

I run over and dropkick Brendan's head into the ground.

The girl grabs me again and walks me inside. She has me sit on the counter as she starts to clean up my knuckles.

"What did he ever do to you." the pretty blonde girl says as she looks up at me with her blue eyes.

"He jumped me back in juvie . He was weak. I wanted to prove hes the sheep in the lion field. i say.

"I'm Tris by the way. Your welcome i stopped you from going back to juvie." she says.

"Thank you, but no thanks. I'm Z" i reply.

"WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR, YOUR FUCKING RETARDED!" Ailani says as she stomps up to me.

"He stole my heart." i say jokingly.

She slaps me.

"Your lucky his sister got him the fuck out of there." Candy says lighting up a Newport.

"Your good to go!" Tris says smiling as she pats my back.

I get up and she grabs my butt. I look back and she smiles and says "My bad."

I keep walking as Ailani drags me to the dance floor.

Bruno gives me a nod and smiles.

Somebody else fights a fake person. Candy passes me her cig and i take a hit while we sway on the dance floor.

After a couple of hours and a whole lot more svedka we start to leave the party.

Candy runs to the lawn and vomits up her vodka on the lawn. Ailani follows behind her and holds her hair back.

Ailani offers me a ride home as us three get in her car. She turns the heat on and calls Romeo.

He doesn't answer. "That's weird, did you guys see him?" 

Not since me and Brendan shot ones.

I just texted him.

i look over her shoulder at the phone

Ailani: Rome where are you bud? (3:13)

Romeo: I'm fine. is there a problem? (3:15)

Ailani: Am i still giving you a ride home bud? (3:15)

Romeo: no thanks. I'm totally fine and safe. i found a ride home." (3:16)

Ailani sets her phone down and starts to drive. 

"Since when does R sound like such a good boy Ailani?" Candy says laughing.

"Drunk himself sober?" Ailani questions. 

"Drunk himself into a fucking cracker." i say.

"Grab a B and M from the glove compartment Candy." Ailani says.

Candy pulls a black and mild cigar out the glove compartment.

She passes it back to me.

I pull the string and take it out the package. I light it take a hit and pass it to Ailani.

After ten minutes we pull outside the school.

"What we doing here?" i ask.

"Don't worry nigga." Candy says exhaling smoke and flashing me a smile. 

We get out and she passes me the black.

Ailani takes out some eggs.

We pelted the school in chicken baby's.

We sitting on the steps passing around a bottle of jack Daniels.

"Everybody look away!" Ailani shouts as she goes behind us.

i hear water splashing behind me. I turn around and see Ailani pissing on the school sidewalk.

"Ailani what the fuck!" Candy shouts laughing. 

"Sorry im drunk." she says as she passes out.

I catch her before her head hits the ground. 

Candy pulls her jean shorts up and i drag her to her car.

Candy starts Ailani's car and the screen flashes the time.

Fuck its 5:16.

Candy starts to drive to Ailani's house. 

We pull into her driveway.

"Wait here." Candy says as she runs inside.

a couple of minutes later Candy and Ailani's mom run outside

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