Chapter 19: West

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Candy and I pull up to West's apartment building.  Ailani's working so she isn't with us. 

We look at the apartment sheet. "3784" Candy says while typing the digits into the apartment phone.

The phone makes a loud ringing noise. "Hello?" West answers on the phone.

"Hey bud come down to the lobby." I say flicking the phone.

"Who is this."

"Its Candy. Oh and my friend!" Candy says.

"Oh cool ill be down in a bit."

Me and candy walk out to a picnic table outside the apartment.

Candy pulls a black and mild out of her bra and lights it.

She takes a hit then passes it to me, while West comes outside.

West is a medium height, Blonde scruffy haired white guy. He's wearing a purple shirt covered in black paint and designer jeans.

"How can i help you, lady and gent? He questions jokingly lighting a square. 

"You were at that party right?" I ask  take a hit off the B&M.

"what party? there's been a lot, my friend."

"The one at Ryan's!" Candy says.

I exhale my smoke.

"Oh yeah! i think i was, why?"

"You was with Romeo. Where he at now?" i ask as Candy passes me the B&M.

"I dont know. I only was with him when we smoked." West says taking a drag off his cigarette. 

"Did you see where he went after that?" i ask.

"No idea. I saw him like a hour later with you." West says exhaling his smoke. 

Candy walks back to the car.

"Did you see him at all after that?" I ask.

"Yeah. I saw him with Messiah close to the end of the party." West says.

I run back to the car.

"Candy, Messiah said he didn't see Romeo at the party right?" I say hopping into the car.

"Yeah? why?"

I think i know where he is!" i say.

Candy calls Ailani right away

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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