"What the fuck?" Jake looked confused. "There is no way there are other survivors!" Hey yelled it out loud that they could hear it. "Fuck..!" He'd dock down. "You hear that Alyx, I told you you shouldn't come." Alyx look at him. She'd laugh "Barney, you know I'm not a scary cat like you!" Barney would turn on a mad face "You see that Gordon? Barney is mad!" Gordon look at him. He'd make a laughing smile. He'd wave his head up and down. "See Barney? Even Gordon is laughing!" Barney sighed "G..thanks.." Zombies would appear. "Oh boy, more zombies to kill.." Alyx turned to Barney. "You ready to get some blood on you." Barney turned to her. "Alyx I have had blood on me before." Alyx would look at him. "Oh really? Look how many zombies there are. You ain't scared to get some more blood on you?" Barney would sigh "No. Why would I be scared?" Barney turned around but she wasn't there. He look straight and see Alyx and Gordon killing some zombies. "Hold on! I'm coming!" Jake would be out of cover. He'd look down. "Jesus I'll have never seen so many zombies before!" He'd see that they were getting pinned down "I hate acting the hero!" He'd set down his backpack. He'd grad a bottle a rag, and a lighter. "Time for some fire." He'd light the molotov and throw it "Wow! Were did that Molotov come from?!" Barney turned to her while shooting zombies. "I think it came from above us!" Another Molotov would be thrown "Who ever it is, then I'm glad they are here!" Jake would look down. Many zombies would be on fire. "One more Molotov." He light the molotov, but some one would push him making the molotov fall down. Lucky the molotov would hit a bunch of zombies gathered on Gordon. "Who the fuck was that?" Some one would punch him, but he'd grad the hand. He then got kicked by a leg "Ahh..." He'd grad the person who was attacking him. The person's hood would be out. Jake's Mind "Is that another girl?" The both would fall in the floor. The girl would be on top of him. He'd flip them over. Jake was now on top of the girl. He'd slam her hands against the floor "Who are you?" The person would being to speak. "My name is Wendy...I'm from the Resistance.." Jake's Mind "But the Resistance Is gone, they couldn't have survive the headcrab shells." Jake would speak "Impossible...the Resistance is gone.." Wendy would correct him. "No. They aren't. Mean believed the lies from the shells. The Resistance is slowly growing back." Jake would get off of her. He'd look at the window, it would start to be getting late. "Do you have some where to stay?" Wendy would look at him. "There is a refugee camp not far from here." Jake stopped looking at the window. "Then lets get going." The people who were outside already left. Leaving behind many dead bodies of zombies. 30 minutes pass. Jake and Wendy get to the refugee camp. "So this is it?" Wendy would turn to him "Yes. We have food, water, and supplies to last us for ever." Jake looked around. He saw men and women together. He saw love. Meanwhile in the headcrab city hall. The administration would be silent. He'd then push a button, showing something. "I want that sexy body, and I want it now!" Headcrab zombies would being to screach the city. "Anyways. We ran out of houses, so you will be sleeping with me." Jake would start to blush a little. "Oh, and I forgot to show you Doctor kliener. 45 minutes would pass by. "So you have a Headcrab without teeth?" Jake seemed surprised. All of a sudden a alarm would sound.