A dead man's wishes can only be fulfilled by the living.
And he is no longer considered to be among the living.
Therefore, the dead man's wishes go unfulfilled by the ghosts of yesterday.Tattooed by the fingers of nostalgia, and the footprints of misled mistakes,
The dead man's wishes are no longer his own, held captive by the living's neglect. Their intentions.And so, the dead man's wishes remain just that. Dead wishes made by a man. Wishes that remain caged in a casket — filled with the breath of dust and ruins, and empty promises.
But perhaps they should be renamed to dead wishes made by another man.
Midnight thoughts
Poesía"there's a fine line between love and hate. sometimes I wonder if that line is only made out of the thin streak of my tears, or the remnants of my heart." - Love & Hate, @the_butterfly_meadow Pen...