Chapter 1 - The End of the Dream (Part 2)

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As the young prince walked down the stairs, he could already smell the delicious meal that awaited him. His mother, Toriel heard him walking down and called out for him

Toriel: "Asriel? Are you coming down for dinner?"

Asriel shouted as he made his way down

Asriel: "Comin' mom!"

To his surprise, instead of the usual sight he had of his mother standing next to the oven finishing her masterpiece of a meal, he was met with Undyne taking her place with a huge pot full of spaghetti. And to his relief, the kitchen didn't explode.

Asriel sighed and glanced over at Toriel, whom observed his friend preparing the meal they would be eating that evening

Asriel: "So you had Undyne cooking for us tonight? That sure is surprising, considering you always like to cook, no matter who's house you're in..."

Toriel chuckled and smiled at her son

Toriel: "She volunteered to cook tonight, truthfully. She is quite the energetic woman I must say. I would have insisted but she is much more stubborn than I am" Toriel laughed

Undyne grinned proudly of herself and spoke

Undyne: "I wanted to show the punk prince that I am a master chef aside from my guard duty back when we lived in the Underground!"

The prince couldn't help but laugh at the statement

Meanwhile, Undyne grabbed the pot and placed it on the table. Well, by placing it was actually almost like slamming onto the table. Large piles of spaghetti, along with a sauce covering them now rest on the wooden dining table at in the kitchen and soon enough, both Frisk and Asgore walked in and sat down at the table. Toriel, on the other hand just rolled her eyes and set the table, with the help of Asriel and Undyne.

Toriel: "If I did not know any better, I would say Frisk is your biological child. That would be, if they were not human..." Toriel ranted at Asgore. Both him and Frisk had become very attached overtime, and now they looked like they'd been on the family since forever

Undyne snorted

Undyne: "Yeah! Both are whinnies with a big heart. But still softies! Just like our Azzy here!"
She would nudge Asriel's arm with a huge grin plastered on her face

Asriel protested with an clenched fist and his index finger pointing up

Asriel: "Hey, I'm no softy!" he crossed his arms "As a matter of fact, I did beat Aron and Knight Knight in arm wrestle without breaking a sweat!" He says, puffing out his chest in a prideful tone

Undyne: "And yet, you lose to a girl and then you say you're no softy, heh." she chuckled, having defeated him herself the other day

Asriel: "I let you win anyway. Next time it will be different" Asriel said with a slight blush on his face, which had Asgore laughing out loud with a hand on his belly

Right after setting the table and then serving themselves, they had begun to eat. The young goat stared down at his fork filled with spaghetti and looked at Undyne

Asriel: "And now, the moment of truth! Can the Leader of the Royal Guard live up to her mastery of spaghetti cooking?" He teased her, obviously just wanting to see her reaction, as well with a slight smirk toward the fish girl whom frowned

Undyne: "Just eat it already goat boy! And tell me what you think dammit, and stop teasing unless you want a black eye!" She protested, not taking the joke seriously and raising her fist at Asriel, not actually wanting to punch him in the eye for something as trivial as a tease

The prince smirked a bit more and placed the fork in his mouth. His eyes shoot open as an explosion of flavor filled his mouth. Such taste! The amazing mixture of ingredients! The texture!


Asriel ate the spaghetti with a smile on his face and then looked at Undyne whom observed him as he had taken his first bite

Asriel: "Oh wow... This has to be the best spaghetti I have ever tasted in my whole life!!" He exclaimed "What the heck did you use to make this?! It's amazing!"

Undyne blushed brightly and looked away from him and up to the ceiling, notoriously feeling both nervous and flattered. Aside from her skeleton friend, no one else had ever complimented her with such enthusiasm, especially her home-cooked meals

Undyne: "Oh... umm... Just some coconut, and milk... and... uhh... It's my own recipe... So, it's... kinda of a ... secret?" She smirked awkwardly at him and she was well rewarded with a bright smile from the prince

Asriel: "It is a bit spicy and it's kinda burning a little right now, but still delicious nonetheless! A true masterpiece as Papyrus would probably say." He went to grab a glass of water to freshen up his slightly burnt tongue because apparently they decided to eat when the meal was just made, which meant it was burning hot. Not even a fire magic wielder as Asriel himself would hold out for too long unless he wanted to have an aching mouth and throat for a while.

Undyne: "Thanks... Az. I... appreciate it..." The fish woman thanked, still nervous but with a smile on her now red face, which was pretty unusual of her.
Meanwhile, the fluffy monster king turned to his beloved son and decided to ask him about his love life... something parents love to do at the worst time

Asgore: "So, my son. Have you been seeing any woman of your liking? Human or monster?"

As he hears this, the young goat man nearly choked on his water, which did upset his mother

Toriel: "Asgore! Mind your curiosity for once!" Toriel growled in annoyance, which was welcomed with an uninterested response from the king

Asgore: "Oh Tori... I just want to know what our son has been doing lately and whom he might seek and look up to. Would you not want to know whom he has in mind to become his future bride?" Asgore chuckled, knowing his wife was certainly curious as well, despite her uproar

Asriel just stared at both his parents with a sigh and sat up straight, placing the glass on the table again and spoke

Asriel: "Well, there is... this girl. Human girl... She's uhh... Quite the beauty actually... And cute. Her name's Amber. She's a great friend. Loves to play video games, talk about those anime series and mangas... She'd love to learn how to use magic like the ancient mages used to in the past. She's really sweet. Me, Al and Undyne usually hang out with her there- Wait... Why the heck am I telling you this?!" He said. Everyone could see the bright blush he had on his face and laughed a little as he realized his mistake

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