Chapter Forty Two

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Note: This confused some people, but when Luna said that Harry was taking requests at the end of the previous chapter, she meant that while he was flying around and annoying the dragon into following him, he was taking requests for broom maneuvers.

"Luna, wait up!" Harry called to the blonde a few feet in front of him.

Obligingly, she stopped to wait for him. "If this is about the second task then I regret to inform you that you're clearly not obsessive enough to figure it out and I couldn't tell you either way. I'm under oath, you, see, all the judges are. Otherwise what would be the point in not telling the contestants since the various headmasters would tell their students anyway. Well, except for Dumbledore but the tradition of judges making that oath dates back to before Dumbledore's time."

"That is old," Harry remarked. "And don't worry, I may not be obsessive enough to take the egg with my while bathing, but my scar was quite insistent on it so I already know what the second task is. Cedric should figure it out sooner or later and I saw the twins trying to play football after Dean explained it to them and kicked it into the lake so I'm sure they've already got a plan and I'm sure it will be epic. Or anticlimactic. Epic in its anticlimaticness?"

"What about you?" Luna asked him seriously. "Do you know what you're going to do?"

Harry shrugged. "I'll figure something out. And if not I could always do what I did last time…but I did that with the first task, so…"

"So you were also in the Pentawizard Playoffs before you went back in time?" Luna inquired.

"Yeah, but it was called the Triwizard Tournament then and Fred wasn't involved-" Harry began before cutting himself off. He looked around to see if they were alone and – fortunately – they were. "I forgot you figured out my secret."

"It's hardly a secret given that you're practically flaunting your future knowledge," Luna pointed out. "But most people are tragically too close-minded to realize the truth."

"And you…don't care?" Harry asked, a little surprised.

"Not really," Luna answered honestly. "Out of curiosity, how long ago did you get back and how old were you at the time?"

"I was twenty-three when I got back about a month before my first year," Harry replied.

"And did you come back to stop some terrible future?" Luna pressed.

"Well, if I could stop Voldemort before he killed people I care about, that would be great but honestly…no. Things worked out pretty well, I defeated Voldemort by the end of what was supposed to be my seventh year, and I accidentally went back in time six years later," Harry told her.

"I see," Luna said, sounding unsurprised. Then again, she never seemed surprised. "I thought as much as you didn't appear to be overly traumatized by the time I met you your second year back."

"It's not like I don't miss them, Luna, I do," Harry assured her. "But they're gone and I don't see a way back. I came back through the Veil in the Department of Mysteries but I don't actually know anything about it or how it works and neither does anybody else and who's to say that if I went though it again it wouldn't just kill me or send me to a third dimension? I don't want to lose everything again."

"I understand," Luna said softly. "Did Professor Black come back as well?"

Harry blinked. "Yes, how did you-"

"He broke out of Azkaban rather suddenly and unexpectedly and he seemed a good deal more recovered than I thought someone would be from such a long-term stay in Azkaban when I first met him," Luna explained.

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