Chapter Forty Eight

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Note: And now the preemptive hate mail about Fred has started. :p

Harry doesn't want Cedric or Fred to use Avada Kedavra; he wants them to use the dagger. Since Nagini is a Horcrux, if they can't kill it with the dagger then Avada Kedavra or Fiendfyre would be the only two ways to do it and Fiendfyre is rare and hard to control. Also, I felt that when they told Harry that if he tried to take the Cup without explaining they would touch it first ("We're standing closer than you," Fred pointed out. "If you don't say yes we'll touch the Portkey without you and see what happens.") pretty clearly meant that they were closer and could get to it before Harry, but people often ask things in reviews like 'why couldn't Harry have grabbed it first' or 'why couldn't Harry have stunned them' and I wanted to explain it then instead of having to explain it now. Of course, then people asked about summoning the cup but if he raised his wand to do that, the twins and Cedric would have grabbed the Cup and left him behind. Even if he managed to get an "Accio" out, it's not instantaneous and he couldn't guarantee that he'd get the Portkey before one of them grabbed it.

And about Remus: even if he was the back-up godfather, there really was no way the Ministry was going to hand custody of their 'savior' to a werewolf. Even if most people don't know, some do and Dumbledore was dead-set on getting Harry to the Dursley's. He still could have visited, though. If nothing else, Harry was in the magical word most of the time for over two years by the time they met in Canon…

Harry kept his eyes closed as they travelled. He half-hoped that he was wrong and he would land outside of the maze to the thunderous sound of applause…and a lot of consternation from anyone who didn't happen to favor Hogwarts. Sure that would mean that he had no idea what was going on and Voldemort could do worse, but at least then he might manage to face Voldemort without anyone else insisting on accompanying him. He did have the best track record in dealing with the self-proclaimed Dark Lord, after all, save perhaps Dumbledore.

When Harry opened his eyes, though, he was disappointed to find that he was, once again, lying in a cemetery near the Riddle family plot. A quick glance around showed no one else in sight so Fred and Cedric were still under the cloak and Voldemort and his non-Marauder accomplice would be further away, giving them some time.

"Muffliato. You guys there?" Harry asked quietly.

"Yeah," Fred whispered back. "I can't believe you were actually right."

"It does happen," Harry acknowledged. "How about you, Cedric?"

"I think I'm having a panic attack from all of your conditioning this year," Cedric answered honestly.

"Running would be a great idea but it would be a bit difficult with two people under the Invisibility Cloak. Still, you need to get out of the way," Harry told them.

"What's going on, Harry?" Fred demanded.

"We don't have time; I'll explain later. Remember, you need to kill the giant snake. Be very careful with those daggers as I coated them in Basilisk venom and no, I'm not going to explain why now. At some point it will probably look like I'm dead, but if the person who 'killed' me collapses as well, I'll be fine. If not, just grab the Portkey and go. If you have to, silence yourselves. Do you under-Damn," Harry swore as a possible flaw in his plan occurred to him.

"What?" Cedric asked, sounding a little anxious.

"We have brother wands. I'll need to switch wands with one of you or I won't be able to do a thing," Harry explained.

"Here," Cedric offered, holding out his wand. It was a little surreal to see a wand appear out of nowhere and floating in midair. "It won't work as well as your wand since it didn't 'choose' you or whatever, but at least it doesn't have an unfortunate connection to…whoever it is you're going to be facing."

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