Chapter 9

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Coles POV

I happy to know that she had liked the necklace, hell she seems overjoyed about it. Staring at Jayy, she was playing with it and catching it between her teeth... That necklace costed more then her house (sarcasm) it only costed $2,000 and was real gold... Man, the things I will do for this woman. But it's worth it to see a smile on her face when she looks at it.

"Your whipped!" Cole yelled from upstairs.

"Am not!" I yelled back at him, just hearing him laugh loudly made me chuckle to myself.


"Yes Jayy?" I asked.

"Why did you get this for me?" She responded, raising an eyebrow. I smiled softly at her before answering.

"Because, in these 7 years that we have known each other, I had hardly gotten you anything. So when I saw the necklace, I had to have it."

I saw her blush at my answer before slowly smiling at the thought of being so special to me. Pulling her close, I placed her on my lap and cuddled her tightly.

"You mean everything to me Jayy.." I whispered into her ear. Sensing that she was blushing harder I chuckled and poked her waist.

"Not. The. Waist." She growled. Thing is, when she gets like this, it's adorable and turns me on more then it should. Challenging her words, I flipped her so she was underneath me and began to tickle her, she slightly screamed and began to fidget under me. Jayy made an attempt to catch my arms and failed, I kept tickling her till she was crying from laughing to hard.

Finally ending the torture, I jumped up and held out my hand, Jayy stared at me, well more like glared at me. She took my hand, pulling her up, Jayy touched her hair and crinkled her forehead. It was completing messed up and had looked like we had done the extremely fun but nasty, as she would put it.

"How did you even make into a Catholic school?" She growled. I just smiled and pulled her close.

"I said that they would go to hell if they don't enrolee me in their school" I said chuckling to myself. Pulling slightly away, she shot me a curious look then fully backed away from me. Being playful, I flicked her nose lightly and made her giggle. Cole watched us as we got up and began to walk upstairs, did I not mention that he came down stairs? No? Okay..


Jayys POV


I stared at Dylan's back as I walked into his room and as he closed the door.

I turned around and noticed that his room hadn't changed at all. There was still a king sized bed with a dark purple cover in the middle of the room and a window right above his bed. His shelfs mainly held things like old pictures of us, his family and stuffed anime animals. Black and red scented candles were lit on the night stands next to his bed creating the soft smell of roses mixed with vanilla. Dylan loved the smell of the scent since he was 9. Around the candles, there were fake rose petals but they looked real with smell and touch. Dark cherry red curtains hung behind the bed but they were still light enough to bring a little bit of light into his room.

"Coming to join me?" I heard him speak and turned my attention to him. Dylan was sitting on his bed and staring at a old picture. I smiled and joined him on the bed, staring at the picture I noticed that it was taken when I had first slept over at his place and smiled. Me and Dylan where both smiling at each other in the picture while we cuddled up to each other on his bed. Anya had came in and just HAD to take the picture of us together. That picture was taken 5 years ago now but we still stay close to each other no matter what happens.

"Jayy..." Dylan asked while poking my thigh, I hadn't even realise that I had falling into my thoughts so deep... I jumped off the bed and squealed like a little girl, Dylan looked at me with amusement written all over his face, mother fucker did it on purpose! Glaring at him, I tackled him back causing him to squeal like me. My hands went straight to his wrists and my legs on either side of him.

"How do you feel now?" I asked

"Hm, slight aroused" he replied smirking his 'ever so famous' smirk.

"Eww..." I said and quickly got up, I stood at the end of the bed, Dylan was still smirking... Prick...

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