Crop Chop

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My last subject ended at 4:30 p.m I should've been home by 5:00 p.m but here I am inside the principal's office at 6:00 p.m waiting for the new girl to arrive.

I cannot believe I'm in this situation why? One, the witch hates my guts why would she let me train her spoiled-brat grand daughter? I already assumed that she's a stuck-up bitch because she's fucking late to our suppose meeting. Two, or maybe this was some revenge plot that the witch planned for me you know just to suffer from baby sitting the new girl. Three, why me? Four, why me!??? Five, why the fuck it has to be me!!!?? I wanted to go home and just read Game of Thrones! Seven Gods of the realm if your there take me away from this situation so I wouldn't have to deal with whoever bitc——

"Um.. excuse me miss? Is this the principal's office?"

Wait. That voice is too familiar I didn't know why but I know I heard it before. Maybe I'm dreaming? Slowly I turned my head to the source of the voice and gazed up at who was the intruder but then the moment I saw the face of the intruder. Right there and there I knew that all of the Gods were playing with me.

"Hey, green eyes. How you doin?"

"So are you going to pretend all day that you don't know me?" Camila asked. Yes the Crop Chop has a name.

"I've known you since yesterday miss Ca-be-lo."

She rolled her eyes at me probably because I "mispronounced" her last name.

"How many times do I have to tell you it's Ca-be-yo! And call me Camila miss Cabeyo is too formal."

She said clearly frustrated by this name thing.  For the record I know exactly how to pronounce her name it was just that I liked riling her up. "Okay, miss Camilla."

That earned me another frustrated groan from Camila. I was laughing inside and doing my celebratory dance when I heard her speak.

"Now you're just being petty, Jo-re-gi" she said mocking me with my own game. She smirks at me before standing from her chair to get a bottle of water from the mini fridge in our new office. The witch has kindly provided us our own office for the reason, what was her words, "Camila doesn't like big crowds" so here I was stuck with the princess since I was the one who's going to train her.

I think Ally might be right that Camila was just here because she was just being reprimanded for something she did. When I met Camila during our cab war incident I never would have thought that I was going to meet her again in this kind of circumstances. I mean that day she looked like that she just got out of party the previous night and on her way home not to a job interview!

She was wearing ripped jeans and some chopped shirt that showed her divine abs! Again I just thought her abs were divine because I wish I had them. Now, I wonder if she was here yesterday to do her "interview". It's clear now why she didn't care about what she wore in an interview because she would get the job anyway even she walked in the principal's office naked.

I didn't think Camila was qualified to be a music teacher here, I think she's over qualified since she went to Juilliard. This got me thinking that maybe Ally was right. Camila was just here to do her time. Why she would want to teach Music here? If she could be a lead in some posh musical play or be the next queen Beyonce.

I heard the seat in front me scraped and then when I looked up and I see brown eyes staring at me. She was leaning back on the chair while drinking her water. This got me distracted because how in the world was drinking water become so sexy? Camila put the mouth of the bottle on her lips and then slowly she took a gulp of water then she bit her lower lip and was staring at me intensely. And this was playing in front of me in slow motion like she was in a commercial that made me want to be that water bottle on her lips and —-

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