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Author's Note
Hey! ^^ I hope you enjoy this sequel, and I hope it lives up to your expectations. Thank you for reading!

Your eyes slowly opened, as the blinding light seeped through the curtains. The force of weight on the bed shifting as you sat up, the person beside you stirring. A smile formed on your lips as you looked at his figure, eyes shut, his lips in short smile. For the past two weeks, you woke up to his figure and it still brought a smile to your lips as the person you love slept beside you. Every morning seemed to be a dream. You softly touched his blue locks, running a hand through them as you watched him stir in his sleep.

Only to see a dim blue light shining from his eyelids, as he faced you, a tired smile on his lips. "Good morning," He mumbled the words as his hands wrapped around your waist. "Let's sleep a little longer."

Before you could voice any of your words, he pulled you down - your body below his as he wrapped you into a hug. "Come on, let's sleep." You tried to push his body away but felt his warmth and your strength slowly disappeared only for you to sigh. "We have something to do today, you know." A look of confusion was on his face and before he could question it, the door bursts open to reveal your muscular companion.
"It's time to get up! We need to prepare to leave tomorrow! The world isn't going to save itself," He walked towards the bed, arms reached out to pull the Prince's legs. "Come on, let go of (Y/N)." You could barely contain your laughter at the scene despite your body being dragged along. Slithering your way out of his grip, you managed to crawl out of the bed as a blond joined your side.

"Are you ready?" You shook your head at his question, still watching the scene before you unfold as Noctis shot a pleading look your way. "I still don't want this dreamlike moment to end but we have a job to do." The blond nodded at your words and a bright smile spread on his lips. "That's the spirit! Now, get your husband out of bed."

You laughed at his words before motioning for Gladiolus to stop pulling. Reaching for Noctis's hand, you took this moment to pull his defenseless state from the bed. "How could you betray me like this, (Y/N)!" In a beat, Gladiolus scooped up the Prince from the floor as he made his way to the living room. "Go and get prepared, we are going to have lunch before preparing." You simply nodded at his words, before turning to the closet in the room. Your mind instantly flashing towards the time you spent as a Royal Guard and the actual purpose the quest started. Hastily shaking your head from the thoughts, you reached for the clothes and quickly got changed. Mind cleared as you walked the room Noctis was in, knowing that the plan would be discussed. Uncertainty blooming in your heart.

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