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His sniffles slowly softened, the quivering shoulders you held slowly relaxed and the head buried deep in your neck retracted back slowly. Your grip on him softened, the injuries a sharp pain as you put your hands away. His blue eyes was wavering through tears, your thumb wiping them away.

"I will always be on your side," your words prompted a soft smile from him but that quickly faded.

He held your shaking hands into his, "I thought my heart was going to stop. When your eyes closed, I- I couldn't breathe. First that then this, I really just want to lock you up."

"Why, why can't you just be safe. Somewhere I can protect you."

Your gaze shifted from his honest eyes. "I don't need protection. I'm fine on my own-"

"No! Your obviously not, every single time. You say your fine and you think your strong but, in the end. You get injured the most." Although the tone of his voice was firm, his eyes was like a dim fire. "I can't stand seeing you getting injured. I don't care if its your job. I am your husband. Rely on me."

Seeing him break before you rendered you speechless. The words that you meant to say was caught in your throat. You reached out for his hand, "I love you, I really do. But,  we can only rest easy after everything is over."

He stared at you, searching your eyes for your feelings. You gave him a smile, that returned with a tight grip on your hands. "Just promise me you won't be reckless anymore."

"I promise."

Noctis flashed a smile as he motioned for you to scoot over. Your face puzzled, only for you to see him go under the blanket with you. "Well then, let us go to sleep?" 

You were tempted to wipe that smirk off his face. "Noctis, what are you?"

"You were asleep the whole day, I want to spend more time with you, now, get some rest," his hands held yours tightly, like he was afraid you will disappear once his eyes closed.  


"What are we going to do about Ardyn?" 

The four of them sat in the living room, their faces shadowed, the tired circles clearly seen on their eyes. 

Ignis sighed and filled the silence in the room. "We need to corner him somehow. Right now, his got his eyes set on (Y/N). So, maybe if we play our cards right, we can lure him into a scenario where the cards are in our favour."

"But, how? Ardyn isn't the type that will casually fall into our plans. And we the Princess too, if he gets either one, Noctis isn't going to be the calmest dude in the group." Gladiolus said, his eyes empty. 

They exchanged glances, barely able to contain the accumulated anger towards Ardyn. "After (Y/N) gets better, we will tell her the plan. But for now, she needs rest."

Author's Note

Sorry for the lack of updates!! I had some things going on and couldn't really come up with a solid chapter but don't worry. From now onwards, the chapters will continue and I hope you continue to support Noctis's journey. ^^ 

As an apology for the hiatus, I have a pleasant surprise. Hidden Feelings has been edited!! The chapters will be slightly longer and more interesting so while waiting for this, check out my new edits I will upload in a few minutes. Thank you for sticking with me!! :)

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