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The group panted as the music played

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The group panted as the music played. They had gone over Don't Wanna Cry at least 15 times. It was already nine o'clock. "Okay that's enough for today." E'dawn paused the music. Everyone being their exaggerate self, they all dropped to the floor.

Lisa had spent four hours working hard. All of them did. Sweat dripping down their faces, Lisa groaned realizing she had to walk home, which in Lisa's case wasn't so bad. But she didn't want to walk.

"What are you moaning about?" Asked Momo standing over Lisa's limped body, laying at the Thai girl. Glaring over at her blonde haired friend.

"I have to walk home." Said Lisa, distaste in her voice.

"Okay. Andddd..?" Asked Momo. The Japanese girl sighed at her friend just glared at her again, "Do you need a ride home?"

"Hell yeah." Lisa said. She jumped up, seemingly excited about not having to walk home.

"Well hurry up because when I'm ready, I leave. Whether you're ready or not."


4 hours earlier

"Nice to meet you." The two shook hands and Jennie noticed how nervous her brother was.

"So you're the little sister?" Jennie noticed how deep his voice was. She smiled and nodded, her brown locks bouncing at she did so. "Well I'm Seunghyun." He introduced himself personally to the smaller girl.

"I'm Jennie." Said girl looked at her older brother in confusion, "Do Mom and dad know about this?" Jiyong had looked like a deer in the head lights.

"No and please don't tell them." Jiyong begged, "They can't know about this. Not until I get out of Korea." Her brother had dreams of being a rapper in America. Their parents highly disapproved of that type of lifestyle, or in this case anything that had to do with them not being a doctor, a lawyer, etc. So instead of telling them about his dream he had been working, trying to get the extra money. Which now she understood why he needed so much of that money.

"Your secret is safe with me."


Lisa and Momo had gotten ready. They bid their goodbyes to their friends and left without another word. Being the only girls in the group had its perks, but sometimes you can only handle so much of the boys.

"So how have you and Sana been?" The question seemed easy, but in Momo's head it was hardest thing in the entire world.

"I don't know really. She's been really weird lately, like she wants to be open about our relationship." Lisa looked at her friend in confusion.

"What's so wrong with wanting to be open?"

"I don't want to make her think that I'm forcing her to be open about this. I don't want to make her uncomfortable." She explained.

"You shouldn't just be thinking about her. Momo you are one of my best friends, you also have a say in this relationship." Lisa expressed. She likes Sana as a human being. She was always nice to Lisa and Lisa understood why. It was because her best friend was in love.

"I know but I don't want to hurt her."

"It seems like your only hurting your self." They had pulled up to Lisa's house, "Please just make the right choice. I don't want you to get hurt..." With that Lisa hopped out of the car, she waved to Momo, who waved back gently.

Momo sighed when she no longer seen her friend in sight.

Maybe it was finally time for the talk with Sana.


It was the next day. Lisa had walked into school, she had her hair down today which wasn't a normal thing to see, but when she did she was so beautiful.

That's when she noticed something different. She would usually greet Momo at her locker. But what she was a truly amazing sight to everyone.

"Is that Sana with Momo..?"

"She's too pretty to be trash!"

"Sana's Gay?"

"Wait why are they holding hands..?"



"Called it."

Lisa approached the two, the two Japanese girls paid no mind to the two talking shot about them. "And since when did this happen?" Asked Lisa teasingly. The two blushed and looked down.

Momo was the first to speak, "We had a talk." And Lisa understood what that meant.

"Well I'm happy for the both of you, welcome to club gay." The three laughed, that's when the bell ring and they all bid their goodbyes, they went to their separate ways.


Jennie had noticed the way people were whispering today. The way they were gossiping and pointing at a person.


"Sana what's happening?" She follower her friend through the hallway to their first class. Sana shrugged.

"Nothing. You'll find out eventually." The brown haired girl uttered.

"Sana they're pointing and staring at you, what did you do..?"

"I was just being myself. Oh and I won't be sitting with you, Taeyong, and Jaehyun today. I have other things to do." She watched as Sana walked away.

That was weird.

That's when she approached by none other than Jaehyun and Taeyong themselves. "Did you hear?" Jaehyun Asked, it almost seemed as though he was excited about whatever it was he was about to tell Jennie.

"What?" Jennie asked confusingly.

"I'm surprised you haven't heard. Sana And Momo are dating. Apparently they have been for a while now." Jennie's eyes went wide.

"Are you sure..?"

"Of course. She was scared at first to tel any of us. But I don't care. Do you?" Asked Taeyong.

"No. I just wished she would've told me about it." Jennie let go of the fact that her best friend and her brother both have kept this secret from her. She felt somewhat hurt.

But she didn't blame them she was kind of a stuck up bitch about gays. She sighed, "Hey what's wrong?" Taeyong asked noticing the frown on the girl's face.

"Nothing. Let's get to class." She uttered out. Jaehyun and Taeyong shared a knowing look. Seemingly worried for the girl.


Sooooooooo filler chapter, it's gonna get better I promise but school is starting in like an 1 and 45 minutes so pray for me please🙏

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