Chapter eight

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The throne room was silent yet dancing with different emotions and memories, both old. The strong blanket of power and dominance hung in the air, embedded into the atmosphere that would forever stain the air, even if centuries would pass. A heart of hatred within the chest of the king, his word was law, judgement and execution, no one questioned this. They had no right to. (Y/N) sat cross-legged at the foot of the steps of the throne, rocking back and forth slightly as she listened. It was sad that people had died here. Painful and torturous. Faint screams bounced off the stone walls, echoing around and around. She dreaded to imagine what these poor souls had to go through, death was their freedom, the mercy they begged for.

Her (E/C) eyes were staring blankly at the carpet when the door opened.

"What are you doing?" Ghirahim asked, (Y/N) didn't move from her position on the carpet.

"Listening. Old pain blends with old screams. Many were slayed, slaughtered here. Who ruled without a heart?" she asked him. He stood next to her sitting form, his dark eyes were fixed on the throne, arms crossed over his chest.

"The rightful owner of this throne is Lord Demise. A powerful, almost God-like being that ruled over these lands for decades." the faintest smile pulled at his white lips and he quickly hid it. "That was until the Goddess sealed him away." the Demon Lord found it almost impossible to speak about the Goddess without spitting her name out like bitter venom yet he was able to compose himself in front of the girl. (Y/N) nodded a little,

"She just wanted to protect her people from the dark king. She did what she could," she rose to her feet as she spoke, "It wasn't her fault that he was sealed beneath. He hurt people, too many people. Even with the bad things he did, she couldn't kill him." her eyes didn't meet Ghirahim in any way. She turned her heel and walked out the room to escape the multiple pain filled screams and begs that she could hear. She didn't like that room, not at all.

Under any circumstance, Ghirahim would have tortured someone mercilessly if they spoke ill of Master Demise. He would have slashed and sliced at them, then heal them (Just enough to keep them alive) and start all over again. So why did it feel different when (Y/N) spoke ill of Demise? It wasn't rage he felt but discomfort. He knew that she would side with the Goddess if Demise was not sealed, yet it seemed to ache somewhat hearing her say it. Shaking his head, he pushed it all aside and focused at the task at hand.

The hatted spirit walked aimlessly through the halls and ended up in the garden. The area was sprouting with life. Vibrant green grass that held a stone path leading to another section of the garden. Herbs and flowers grew in the warmth of the sun, small stones lined along the path as a decoration. The plants were all unique, each flower different than the last. It was a surprise to find a beautiful garden in a castle like this. (Y/N) walked down the path slowly, absorbing the garden's whispers and glory. Gentle singing from the small birds was the only sound heard beside the whispering wind. She took a seat on one of the large smooth rocks, her legs pulled up to her chest. A couple of brightly coloured birds flew from the few trees planted and landed by her. 

Her mind felt lighter than before, more calmer now she has some answers. There were some without answers, however, some things are better left forgotten. It didn't matter how she got here or how she was before she escaped The Fade, all that did matter was that she was able to help. Maybe that is the reason why she has not made Ghirahim forget about her and left. He was suffering, deep inside himself and hidden by walls, he is suffering. And she refuses to leave until she has helped and healed him.

During her time in the garden area, Ghirahim had approached her, asking if she would like to accompany him for a walk. She accepted his offer. They did talk about a few things to fill the silence (Upon Ghirahim's insistence).

Fallen Angel   *Ghirahim x Reader*   (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now