Chapter ten

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Dim, cold fire burned in the snake-like woman's eyes, the determination was equal to the thirst for blood. Her forked tongue flicked in the air, her eyes locked onto the hatted female like a snake watching a mouse. (Y/N) could hear Ghirahim's warning in her head, telling her to return to the castle as quickly as she could. Unfortunately, she could only teleport so far, she would have to run first and this woman could clearly run fast. They both remained still, watching the other to see who would flinch first. Making her forget was not possible as she had to be closer to her, that was a risk that (Y/N) was not willing to take.

"You do exist after all. In a world you don't belong in and live, Compassion Spirit." the woman's voice was sickly sour, the name of the spirit was bitter on her tongue. (Y/N) slowly stood from her crouched position, her eyes not breaking from the stare, not allowing the woman to claim the split-second chance to attack. 

"You can. . .see me?" (Y/N) asked, the woman released a husky chuckle of sorts.

"Not used to being seen. I've learnt about you. You like being invisible." the snake woman took a step closer, making (Y/N) take a step backwards, ready to bolt if she attacked. "If you come with me, you can help others. My master needs your help." she said in a disturbingly soft voice. The Spirit knew better though. This woman was dark, twisted. Finds joy and satisfaction in killing, hurting innocents.  

"No. I will not help you."  The thin smirk that held the woman's lips dropped and disgust with annoyance replaced it.

The woman took another steps closer and spat a pale green liquid at (Y/N)'s eyes from her fangs. (Y/N) turned her head low, blocking the venom from getting in her eyes with her wide-brimmed hat which gave the woman the opening she needed. (Y/N) looked up, a sword's blade aimed at her chest, her own daggers clashing against the sword. A hiss of annoyance left the snake woman and she brought her leg around to kick (Y/N)'s knee, the spirit flipped over the woman and landed with ease only to have the whip-like tail wrap around her ankle and trip her. The grass slightly softened her fall but not much. (Y/N) rolled out of the way of the incoming strike, her daggers sliced against the woman's cheek and jumped back onto her feet. The snake woman hissed again, her forked tongue flicking in the air as she brought her weapon to her lips and licked it, her venom coated the blade's edge, making blocking more important for (Y/N) now. She lunged at the spirit, slashing every which way at inhuman speed, giving the girl little time to dodge. The blade sliced against (Y/N)'s side, cutting the clothing and flesh easily and allowing the venom to gain access to her bloodstream faster. Sharp, piercing pain stung the wound whilst the burning from the venom scorched around it. A pained gasp escaped through her gritted teeth as she clutched the wound, falling to one knee from the pain. The snake woman chuckled and slowly approached, admiring the pain her venom was causing as if it was art.

"You should have just agreed, spirit. It would've been less painful." her clawed hand gripped (Y/N)'s shoulder and the hatted girl quickly turned, her dagger digging into her abdomen. A loud screech was heard as she released her grip on (Y/N) to hold her own wound. Using her distraction as an advantage, (Y/N) teleported herself to the castle.

The burning in her side began to spread with the pain as she leaned against the stone wall for support, her vision slowly blurring an spinning. 

"Ghirahim. . ." her voice was strained, laced with pain,  as she tried to shout for her friend. "I need help. . ." her body felt heavier with each step she took. Her muscles ached, blood burned her pale skin, causing a thin layer of sweat to drip down her face. Her right hand was now coated in blood as well as her clothing, her legs wobbled with each step until she could no longer hold her own weight and collapsed. Her vision going dark before she hit the ground.

The air was thick, tense, difficult to breathe. Darkness consumed her vision, blinding her. The heat in her blood and pain in her muscles was fresh, she couldn't move through. She couldn't feel anything, no floor, no walls, as if she was floating. Where was she? Despite the pain, she felt weak. Were her eyes open? She opened her mouth slightly and felt something. Heavy weight filling her lungs at sudden speed, ice coldness prickling her throat. A series of coughs tried to escape her but they couldn't, trapped in her throat. She couldn't breathe. Why couldn't she breathe?

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