Author's Note

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Okay, first of all, I am sorry for the slower updates. I have recently hit writer's block with this story and it may take longer for the next couple of chapters to come out as I refuse to lower the quality of this story just because of a silly writer's block. I am truly thankful for all the support you have given to this story.

Also, I have started another story. Predators which is a Hunter x Hunter story with a Tokyo Ghoul theme to it. This one is an original character story so I hope that won't bother anyone. I would really appreciate it you could please take the time to look at it and tell me what you think about it. 

Again, I am sorry for the slow updates for this story but thank you all so much for the view, votes and comments you have all given. You people are incredible and I don't think I would have continued this story if you didn't read it. Thank you all, and have a wonderful day. 

Fallen Angel   *Ghirahim x Reader*   (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now