Chapter twelve

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The sun was shielded by a layer of clouds, blocking the gentle rays from reaching the ground. The gentle breeze was a little more aggressive now, hissing and spitting instead of whispering. The events of last night didn't leave the (E/C) eyed girl's head. Throughout the night, the warmth had dulled but she didn't leave her room. Her thoughts seemed to bounce off the walls of both the room and her mind, gradually becoming overwhelming. Closing her eyes, she teleported herself outside to escape her thoughts. With all the thoughts colliding in her room, if made it feel smaller and smaller. She could not handle it.

Opening her eyes, she felt a cold gust of wind wash over her pale body as a small gasp left her lips. She scanned the area and started to walk in a random direction. Walks normally cleared her head and helped her focus, yet it seemed to fail today. Why? It was like her mind was clouded by a thick fog, blocking her thoughts and leading her in circles. It was confusing and frustrating. As she tried to arrange her thoughts, a cold chill scraped down her pale skin, drawing her attention. It was too cold to be a wind gust. (Y/N) noticed a tiny white dot gracefully fall from the sky. Holding her hand out, she caught it. Snow. Her eyes peered through the trees and tilted her head, the area was covered in a blanket of snow. Gentle cold whispered in the snow, making the leaves shiver slightly. She could hear the leaves trying to absorb the water from the soft snow, enjoying their drink. Stepping into the clearing, the cold instantly tried to seep through her clothing and prick her skin but it couldn't. The strange appearance of snow was not normal in Autumn. Something else was causing the now to fall.

In the centre of the clearing, (Y/N) saw a young female laying in the snow, unconscious. Cautiously, (Y/N) approached. Her golden blonde hair fell past her shoulders and rested halfway down her back, the bottom half of her hair was in a plate. Her pointed ears peeked through her hair, (Y/N) had not seen a girl like her before. Her clothing was different. A deep pink shade dress that fell just past her knees and boots. (Y/N) placed her hand on the girl's shoulder and shook, the girl stirred slightly and opened her eyes. Confusion washed over her as she looked around before her gaze landed on (Y/N).

"Who are you?" she asked,

"I'm (Y/N). I want to help you." she replied. The hatted Spirit held her hand out and the girl took it.

"My name is Zelda." she introduced herself with a smile, (Y/N) felt no pain from her but she was cold. (Y/N) looked around the area, she knew there was a cabin close by that belonged to a nice lady. It wasn't much but it would keep her warm. 

"Follow me." Zelda did as told and followed (Y/N) out of the snow covered clearing. The cabin was old but it was stable. Pushing the door open, she led Zelda inside and walked over to the fireplace, she grabbed a small box of matches and brought the fire to life. Warmth consumed the entire room in a matter of seconds. This should be enough for now. (Y/N) stood up and turned to Zelda who sat on a chair.

"Thank you for your help, (Y/N)." (Y/N) smiled at that. A small puff of smoke emitted from her right hand with an ice blue glow,

"Forget." she watched as a blank expression painted Zelda's face before she blinked.Her gaze looked around in confusion, oblivious to the Spirit standing in front of her.

"Where did she go?" Ghirahim muttered to himself as he stood at the entrance of the woods. Her reaction had concerned him when he held her hand. He decided to check on her but she was not in her room nor was she in the garden. The only place she could be, that he knew of, was Faron Woods. It was a stupid thing for him to hold her hand, it felt so right though. With a small sigh, Ghirahim walked into the woods, her could try and sense her aura to find her.

Faron Woods felt different today. He couldn't place why, yet he could feel it.

"Ghirahim." he heard someone call. His dark eyes scanned the area for the owner of the voice. There was no one else though.

"Ghirahim!" he snapped his head towards the voice, it was closer in the woods. The Demon Lord followed the voice. Pushing the branches and leaves out of is way, avoiding any tree roots and walking down a path he had not used before.

The voice had led him to a strange building. It appeared to be a form of temple but was clearly built, possibly, centuries  ago. Plants sprouted from the half crumbled walls, the symbols and writing carved into the walls were eroded away. Ghirahim hesitated for a moment but pressed on. He walked to the large doors, they were sealed shut and appeared to have been that way for years.

"Ghirahim." the voice spoke behind him. He turned to face whoever it was but was greeted with an eyeless faces. The thing grabbed him and lifted him with ease, pushing him towards the temple doors. A dark glow emitted from the doors and they were gone. 

I cannot believe that this story has reached over 1000 reads. I honestly have no words to express how much I appreciate you all taking your time to read this. I was unsure about this story but the fact that people are reading and enjoying it is keeping me going. Thank you all so much for your support. You people are incredible.  

Fallen Angel   *Ghirahim x Reader*   (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now