[90] House of Freedom

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"Protector?" Eddie whispered look at Camilla in awe.

"It's nice to finally meet you Osirian," she told him with a nod of her head.

As Camilla and Eddie share a smile, Nina crossed over to the boy to see the gem in his hand. "You're my Osirian, my protector..."

Eddie wordlessly nodded to her.

"then Cam's what now?"

"I got the world to protect sadly, but in theory, these two are to help me." Camilla turned to Amber and pulled a face, of course, she'd have the world when Eddie only had Nina.

Nina went to take the gem from Eddie's hand. His fingers closed over it instantly as he realised her intentions. "think about what you're doing," he said gravely glancing away from Camilla to focus on his Chosen One.

Nine gripped onto Eddie's wrist and forced his hand open. She took the gem from him with tears forming in her eyes, but she blinked them back.

"NO!" Fabian rushed over to the pair and snatched the mask out of Nina's hands, "Please, don't do this!" he pleaded.

"I have to Fabian. It's the only way."

Taking a deep breath, Nina carefully placed the Frobisher Gem into the hole in the centre of the mask.

The Mask started to glow.

Everyone watched, amazed, as the mask turned from a dull bronze one to a mask made of pure gold.

Nina gently took the mask from Fabian causing Senkhara to appear on the library's mezzanine. Unknowingly sealing her own fate, the only way out thanks to Camilla's boundary spell would be her own banishment.

Fabian looked to his sister tears streaming from his eyes begging her silently to do something, anything, to stop Nina, but the girl had made her mind up and Camilla couldn't take her choice from her she could only step in after the fact. That was why Eddie too remained rooted to the spot unable to do much bar guard over Patricia.

Nina raised the mask to her face.

Fabian turned back to look at the girl he loved who was giving up her life for them all, a stupid jackal mask not being worth it in his mind.

"Look..." Joy gasped, as she moved closer to Fabian allowing Camilla to move back to protect Amber and Jerome, "look at the mask."

They noticed it straight away, the mask had begun to weep golden tears.

From the Mezzanine the spirit let out a cruel laugh of delight as she lifted her arms to the havens. Black smoke started to swirl around Nina. "The Chosen One!" howled Senkhara in triumph as she poured herself into Nina.

Everyone in the room let out a gasp as the voice of the spirit then came from Nina. "The field of Reeds awaits The Chosen One."

It was official. Senkhara had taken over Nina's body.

Upon the mezzanine, a portal opened. It was bright, but not unbearably so, full of white light. Everyone felt drawn to it, with its heavenly glow and its warmth. They all could understand why Senkhara would want to go to a place like that.

Nina possessed by Senkhara turned and started to slowly walk up the metal spiral stairs towards the portal.

"Somebody do something please!" Amber cried out.

"NO, Nina!" Fabian screamed as he dashed towards the bottom of the stairs.

Senkhara/Nina turned in anger and lifted her hand firing a bolt of black energy at him.

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