21 | inamorato

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The evening began with Cãcile Chaminade playing an excellent piano solo, receiving 'ooh!'s and 'aah!'s from the strange crowd that listened. There was a couple wearing matching white clown costumes, a man with a large sunflower attached to his neck and a lady with her green hair styled as a birdcage.

The room erupted once again after she played the last note, opening champagne and clapping their praise. Aunt Josephine took Diana to speak with Cãcile as soon as she finished.

Anne also left Cole and Silas to try some of the ornamental delicacies on a silk-covered table.

"Should we, err . . . get a drink?" Cole said awkwardly.

"Alcohol?" answered Silas.

"No, no, water."

They ventured to every banquet table in the hall without finding water. Every glass was filled with different pastel coloured substances, some with fruit floating in the bubbles.

"They really know how to dress here," Silas remarked.

Another man in a bright clown costume walked by them, hand in hand with a lady with purple hair, dress, lipstick and shoes. Cole giggled and lifted the flower crown lightly off of a woman too engrossed in conversation to care. He set it on Silas's head and quickly steered them away from the lady, both stifling laughter.

"Thanks. You should have brought the dress you wore in Anne's. Nobody would have noticed," said Silas.

"That would've— oh."

Cole suddenly moved towards a sculpture on a wooden pedestal. He caressed the delicate artwork with his hand.

"Well, what do we have here?"

A group of two women and men in vibrant clothing approached them.

"A farm boy!" one of them announced. "You must be a farm boy."

"A sad farm boy," a lady decided.

"Dressed in brown."

Silas stood to the side, unsure of what was happening. He felt a need to defend Cole.

"Sometimes I'd like to pack it all in and be a farmer. A simple life," said the first man again; he was wearing an orange dress and had the dark curls of a woman beneath his hat. "The day starts when the sun comes up and ends when it goes down."

Another woman spoke. "Then why are you so sad, farm boy?"


"It must be the brown."

"You, young sir, are not at all dressed for a summer soirée," the lady informed Cole. She took her cloudy-gray scarf and wrapped it around his neck while the man in the dress gave him a string of pearls. A scarlet scarf finished the look. "Voila!"

The group seemed to notice Silas for the first time as they looked over their work. "Have a nice time with your inamorato, my dear," the man said before vanishing into the colourful crowd with his companions.

"What does inamorato mean?" Cole asked Silas. He heard 'Carmen' music begin to play.

"No idea," he lied. "I, uh, think Aunt Josephine's about to make a speech."


𝓥: i'm posting aunt jo's party in two parts : ) reminder that you are loved and appreciated and i care about u reading this💞💓🦋

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