11 | you're freaks

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Silas walked to school through a light winter rain. He held his book bag close to his coat in an attempt to keep warm; it did not help much.

Outside of school, Cole's log was empty. Most of the students that had arrived early would be inside. He hung his coat on the same peg with his bag and turned to look for Cole, though he was not hard to find.

Cole sat at Silas's desk, looking at the ground in  defeat. Billy Andrews, Charlie Sloane and Henry Thompson faced him, speaking. Moody uncomfortably rubbed his arm from further back.

A wave of anger hit Silas. He strode toward them and called to Billy.

"Leave him alone."

The group turned to him, Cole's face brightening slightly.

"We were just speaking about you. Isn't it strange how you two are always together?" Billy said.

"Rather suspicious, if you ask me," added Charlie.

Cole's eyes returned to his feet, breaking contact with Silas. He felt his cheeks burn and moved a step closer to Cole.

"We're friends. Why wouldn't we spend time
t-together?" Silas retorted.

"What kind of boy would prefer to draw on paper than play ball with us? He's not normal."

"Leave him alone. I don't care what you say about me. Cole hasn't done anything to you."

Billy leaned close to Silas's ear. "You're freaks. Queer," he hissed.

The bell tolled along with Mr. Phillips's appearance. "In your seats, everyone. Make it quick."

Billy and his friends dispersed into the crowd of movement, along with Cole; Silas was left by his solitary desk.

He retrieved his books from his bag and rested them in the corner, noticing something on his desk. A gift. A small yet delicately carved butterfly, too minuscule for others to see but existing only for his eyes.

And suddenly, the morning became golden.

* * * * *

"You really didn't have to do that this morning," Cole muttered to Silas.

They were in the cloakroom once again, one of Cole's favourite hidden spots for lunch. He was sketching Silas's hands quietly.

"I couldn't just leave you there," he replied.

"I can fight my own fights."

"Not from the look of it."

Silence fell between the two.

"What did he say to you?" Cole asked.



"Just Billy stuff."

After what seemed years, Cole murmured, "Thank you, Silas."

He opened his mouth to speak, however he was interrupted by the arrival of Josie Pye. She gave Silas a dirty look which translated to 'move over'.

Josie sat beside Cole, completely ignoring Silas. Cole shared a look with him and continued drawing. Josie's snotty demeanour instantly vanished and she became as sweet as Ruby Gillis.

"Hello, Cole," she began, moving closer. "I just wanted to say I think it's too bad our game ended before you could have your turn. I suppose I could break the rules and allow you to kiss me now."

She look at Cole expectantly.

"No, thanks," Cole replied.

The lack of emotion in his voice snapped Josie.
"What's wrong with you? Don't you like girls or something?"

Cole held his pencil for a moment. "I don't like you."

Josie stood in shock and stomped towards her friends sitting at the wall beside the cloakroom.

"Cole is a freak!" she told the other girls.

Silas had been ready to defend Cole, but Anne beat him to it.

"Josie Pye, you take that back! Cole is my friend."

"Then it's a match made in heaven."

Anne turned her head back to the cloakroom and smiled at them. Cole returned a smile. He looked happy, genuinely happy. Silas wondered if Cole and Anne had been friends long before he arrived in Avonlea.

A strange feeling pricked his stomach. Cole seemed to notice, much to his regret.

"Let's go to the den today," Cole said.

Silas remembered his mother's words and sighed inwardly. "I can't. I have to . . . go home."

Cole glanced at him and nodded. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

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