A Broken Writer

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He was a writer.
He wrote a thousands of poems.
He imagined a hundreds of sceneries.
He loves the form of poetry.

With his pen and
paper by his side.

He can write anything
from his heart's desire.

There was a girl he admire.

He wrote endearment poems
to touch the warmth
of her melancholic heart.

Every word he whispered
and the feelings he had
was written on his paper.

Because of her: he made a
masterpiece made of art.

But everything he wished
was left into a scar.

He felt broken like a fragile flower.
He was simply rejected by her.
He knew the girl had a lover.
His world turned cold as winter.

He couldn't do anything
but only take a silent whimper.

Every tears poured
into his tired face.

He still managed to write his piece.

But in a unusual wave he followed
what's on his creative mind.

Word after word,
stanza by stanza,

He never stopped until its done,

A triumphant smile
curved into his lips,

His sad eyes brightens.
His lonely heart began to have a rhythm,

In front of him there
was a light on his paper.

The poem he made
was unexpectedly magic.

He never thought his brokenness
could create such tragic.

it was beautifully written by his heart and love to the girl who broke his happiness.


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