Meeting the batfamily PT.1

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Ages: Raven 19, Damian 18.


Today I am taking Raven to meet my crazy, annoying, fucked up family.

(By the way the family is going to be Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Barbra Gordon, Katherine Kane and of course Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth)

Grayson, well she has already met Grayson. Farther doesn't trust her, Todd will probably try to flirt with her. Drake will ask a bonch of random questions, Gordon will be fine. Kane will probably not trust her. Finally Pennyworth will be the best because, he wouldn't be a pain.

We are also bringing Titus because this will be his second home after all. We finally got to the manor, Alfred picked us up.

"Master Damian we have arrived."

"Thank you Pennyworth, we will be there in a minute."

"As you wish sir." He said as he stepped out of the car.

"Are you ready?" I asked Raven

"Yeah, just what if they don't like me?"

"Then I will rip their heads off."


"Just kidding beloved." I said as I kissed her. "Come on let's go in."

She picked up Titus as we walked inside. Immediately we were bombarded with my family. They introduced themselves and already they did something dumb.

"So why are you dating him, when you could be dating me." Jason said.

"Back off Todd."

"Hey I'm just kidding, but seriously."

"Sorry, not interested." Raven said smirking.

We all walked to the living room where they could get to know Raven.

"So what are your powers?" Tim asked.

"Well I am hafe demon hafe human, so I have magic powers. If use to much of my power I could distroy the world. And my father will take over." She said as she pointed to the gem on her head for the last part.

"Wow." Tim said as everyone looked shocked.

"So who exactly is your farther?" Katherine asked.


"So your dad is the devil?" Todd asked.


"So you have all this power why date him?" Tim asked

"He gets me, he understands my pain."

"So have you guys done it?" Todd asked.

"JASON!" Bruce yelled.


"That is a inappropriate question to ask." Said Bruce.

To be continued........

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