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Ages: Raven 16, Damian 16, Beast Boy 17, Blue Beetle 18, Starfire 21, Nightwing 22

Raven POV

Me and Damian got into a huge fight because he killed someone and he won't talk to me. Let's just say some things were said that we didn't mean, well the whole tower heard. I heard a knock on my door.

"Go away." I said.

"It's me." Beast Boy said.

"GO AWAY!" I yelled.

"Come on Rae don't you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"NO! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled again.

Then I heard him run away like a little baby. I need to talk to Damian but I also don't want to.

Kori POV

They had a pretty nasty fight, I want to help but they also have to work this out on their own. But I think me and Dick should talk to them.

"Dick, I was thinking you should talk to Damian." I said.

"I don't think Damian wants to talk right now." He said.

"Yeah but maybe you can help him."

"I guess I could try."

Damian POV

I was in the training room blowing off steam. I really don't want to talk to anyone or see then for that matter. I was using the punching bag to get my anger out.

I killed someone one but Raven doesn't understand I don't want to talk about it. She kept asking me to talk but all I did was snapped. I know that she just wants to help but, I don't know. I just said something that she didn't deserve to hear and it was completely untrue. I said.

You are a the worst person I have ever met. You can't see that I want to be alone. Just leave me alone.

Those words I know hurt her and I felt like shit. All I wanted to do was hug and kiss her and tell her sorry but I couldn't. I love her so much yet I said that to her. Why would I say that I am such a idiot. But I was to stubborn to see that she was trying to help.

Then I heard foot steps.

"What do you want." I said.

"Well I came to help." Grayson said.

"I don't need any help."

"Yeah you do."

"Why can no one just leave me alone." I growled out.

"So you know what happened was wrong?" I said as he smirked that dumb smirk of his.

"Yes I know that's why I am mad."

"Well if you know why don't you apologize?"

"Because I want to get out all of my anger before so I don't snap again."

"Smart. Well I see you have things covered here so I am going to leave you to your punching."

"Just leave."

"Ok ok I am going. By the way don't apologize to late."

"I won't. Trust me."

With that he left. I have never been so happy for someone to leave.

Jaime POV

"Their fight we crazy hermano." I said to Garfield who seemed out of it.

"Gar?" I said. "You good tipo?"

"Huh? Oh yeah just thinking about stuff. He finally said.


"Yeah, the fight made me think of her. I don't know why but it did."

"It is alright. What happened to Terra was bad but you will get through it, alright." I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"I know it just sucks."

"Yeah but we can play videogames."

"Ok." He said with a small smile.

Raven POV

About an hour after Garfield knocked on my door Kori did. I was face down on my bed and told her to come in.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

"No." I said softly.

"Well if you don't want to talk then I will tell you something. He will come back and he didn't mean what he said. He is stressed right now. There is one thing I know for a fact about Damian is that he loves you."

"I know." I said.

Shortly after that she left me in my room. Then about 20 minutes later I heard someone putting in my pass code. I knew it was Damian so I just kept my head in my pillow. I heard the door open and close then I felt the bed dip.

I didn't move or say anything. I felt his arms snake around me and felt a kiss on my head. I turned to hug him back and I kissed him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything that I said I was just angry." He said. "I love you.

"I love you too. I am sorry I push you to talk to me when I knew you didn't want to." I said starting to tear up.

"You have nothing to apologize for. You were just trying to help." He said.

I wiped my eyes as we layed back down on my bed under the covers. I didn't want to let go of him so we stayed there. We ended up taking a nap.

That's the end hope you enjoyed.

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