Hickey's PT.2

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Ages: both 17

Damian POV

We went patrolling from 10pm to 4am, during patrol Todd and Grayson kept bugging me about the hickey.

"Little D, you think you can still fight Whit that on your neck." Dick said.

"Shut up Grayson."

"Good one." Jason said.

"You two are an embarrassment." I said.

"Well at least we don't look like we got hit in the neck with a golf ball." Dick said.

After patrol was over I had to go to the store to get well, let's just say something for Raven. Of course it was awkward but at least know one was at the store. I also decided to get her some snacks for this painful week she will have. Some chocolate, chips and cookies, cause I am the best boyfriend. I finally got back to the tower and in Ravens room, she was meditating surprisingly. Maybe she couldn't sleep.

"Beloved I am home, I got what you asked for and some snacks."

"Thank God I thought I was going to bleed out." She said giggling.

"I also got some snacks for you."

"Why thank you good sir." She said as we kissed.

Raven POV

Thank Goodness Damian came home I thought I was going to bleed out. We talked then I went to the bathroom to do my thing. When I came out he was in his pajamas then I changed into mine.

"Any cramps or pain?" He asked, god he is so loving he asked it I am having cramps.

"No not right now but I am tired I am going to sleep would you like to join me?"

"Sure." He said.

We coudled and fell asleep.

That is the end not as long as the first one.

292 words

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