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"Date number two tonight." Nate smiled, squishing Chase's face in his hands.

Nate was surprised when Chase agreed to a second date... at the same time he wasn't... he had Chase right where he wanted him.

"Is that tonight?" Chase teased, pushing Nate's hands away and going back to sweeping the floor.
"Yes sir it is." Nate nodded, taking the broom from Chase's hands and tossing it to the side.

Chase rolled his eyes walking over to try and get the broom. Nate spun Chase around and dipped him like they do on those fancy dance competitions. Chase bursted out into a fit of laughter, making Nate smile.

"Tonight is gonna be fun. I promise." Nate smiled, pulling Chase to his feet.
"Last Time was fun." Chase offered, smiling back.
"It was a complete disaster but ok." Nate laughed, cupping Chase's face in his hands. "But tonight's gonna be better."

With that Nate kissed Chase's forehead before rushing off to make sure the rest of the date went exactly as it was supposed to. Tonight will not be a failure.

Chase could feel his cheeks heating up as he went to grab the broom so he could finish his chores.

Nate was such a dork... but he was pretty sure that dork had captured his heart...

The later it got, the more concerned Chase became. It was around 10:30 at night and they still hadn't gone out. At this point Chase was convinced Nate had forgotten and was about to start getting ready for bed. As he was about to shower, Nate came strolling into the room. A dumb grin on his face.

"Ready to go?" Nate asked. Chase raised an eyebrow at him.

"Now? It's like... 10:30." Chase said, putting his pajamas on his desk.
"Yes. Exactly. Are you ready?" Nate chuckled. Chase looked down at his outfit. Baby blue shirt and black jeans...
"sure?" Chase said, taking Nate's hand. Nate lead Chase to his car, refusing to tell the curious boy where they were headed.

"So I was thinking right." Nate smiled, looking over at Chase.
"Uh oh." Chase teased.

Nate rolled his eyes. "Wow so original. Anyway, what if you went to highschool with us? You've been taking online courses so it shouldn't be hard to catch up... and you wouldn't really be catching up at all... you're really smart...plus you'd get some highschool experience and you've got Haven and Charlie and Mae... and Me."

Chase looked at Nate with a curious expression. "You want me to go to highschool with you?"

"Yeah! It be fun."

Chase blinked.

High school is a horror story. Not fun. "Just think about it?" Nate said, giving Chase the stupidest smile.
"Yeah ok sure. I'll be going for what? 4 months? Maybe 3?"
"It's better than nothing! Do you really wanna go out into the world and say you never went to highschool? You won't be able to relate when your kids need you..."

That last sentence hit Chase hard and Nate new it. Chase made a vow to himself to be there for his kids whenever they need him...

"Yeah... I'll think about it..." Chase mumbled. Would Mrs.Peters even let him? She might say no, since he's supposedly one of her favorite servers.... Chase always felt more like a slave then a servant....

While Chase was lost in his own reality, Nate was starting to wonder what it would be like to have Chase with him throughout the school day...

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