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"Chase, baby please call me back. Let's talk about this... please... call me back..."

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"Rose, baby boy please please please I don't know where you are and I'm terrified. You're not at Charlie's or Havens and Sage won't answer. you're not at home...Just let me know you're ok."

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"I'm so sorry baby. Please just let me explain everything to you. I won't lie to you.... please Chase just come home..."

24 Messages deleted. You have no new messages.

Chase frowned, crying to himself as he put down the phone, shaking his head. "Hey..." a soft voice called, knocking on the open bedroom door. "You alright?" Haven asked. Chase sighed and nodded. Of course he wasn't, but he didn't want to burden Haven with his problems. "Well Bodie made dinner..." she said glancing at the clock. 10:45...It was more like a serious late night snack.

Chase only nodded, picking at the blanket.

Friday night Chase knew he couldn't go to any of his friends houses without Nate finding him, so Annie suggested they stay with her older brother for the weekend, Bodie. He was super chill.

Haven frowned and sat on the edge of the bed. "I've known you for ever now Chase, and I know this isn't your normal attitude...  therefore, your not ok." Haven sighed.
"I'm fine Haven... really." Chase smiled nodded, but really he felt numb. It was silent for a minute before Chase gave in and started talking.
"I loved him... but he didn't love me. But he said he did and when I looked into his eyes I could just see how much love he had for me. And he's leaving me messages and telling me how much he loves me and he's worried about me... I just... I don't know what or how to believe..." Chase mumbled, looking out the window. It was still raining.

"It's gonna be hard, but you'll know Chase... have you talked to him since Friday night?"

Chase shook his head.

"Talk to him..."

Chase glanced at his phone as the caller ID popped up. Haven took that as her que to exit the room. Chase picked up the phone with shaky hands before brining it to his ear.

"Hi." He said quietly.
"My rose." Nate mumbled, he sounded so tired and broken. "Where are you baby? Are you ok?"
"I'm... safe. I'm with Annie and Haven."
"Where are you? Are you at a hotel? Let me come get you... we can talk about this..."
"Whats there to talk about Nate? You lied to me and went behind my back. You tricked me."

"Chase that's how it was in the beginning... but I really did fall in love with you... I love you.." tears fell down Chases cheeks as he talked.
"Listen Nate. I need some time ok... I'll be home on Monday so I'll see you then... I still love you Nate, I just... you hurt me Nate.... and I need time to think."

Nate was chewing on the collar of his shirt and nodding as Chase talked. It was silent for a minute.

"I love you." Nate mumbled to the phone, looking up at Charlie.

Chase didn't say it back, only mumbled a bye before hanging up. Nate dropped the phone on the floor and stared at it for a minute, not sure what to do.

No words were said between Charlie and Nate as they stared at the phone on the ground.

"I fucked up." Nate mumbled, his eyes watery. Charlie didn't say anything. All his comments would come out bitchy and Nate didn't need a lecture right now... he needed his best friend.
"I'm sorry Nate." Charlie mumbled. "How did he even find out?"

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