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"ITS PROM NIGHT JACK ASSES!" Haven shouted dancing into the kitchen, her heels in her hand. Chase rolled his eyes as he zipped up the back of Annie's dress for her. "We're all gonna look so good everyone is gonna be so jealous!"

"Chase always looks good." Nate smirked, coming inside from outback and grabbing his boyfriend by the waist and kissing all over his face and neck. Chase basked in the attention from his boyfriend... Chase usually just basked in attention in general.

"Will we get to slow dance together?" Chaos asked happily, swaying back and fourth with his boyfriend.
"Of course Rose."
Chase smiled at the nickname, it was starting to grow on him.
"And you'll keep your promise right Nathaniel?" Chase smirked with a raised eyebrow, running his hand down Nate's chest.

Nate chuckled and kissed Chase with nothing but love and desire.

"Guys the car is here!" Sage said, everyone cheered and clapped, heading for the door. Nate intertwined his fingers with Chases and pulled him towards the door.


Nate held chase close as they entered. Chase was smiling happily and greeting all his friends that he only saw at school and members. Nate and Chase happily walked around and greeted their other friends.

As the night went on, Chase began to lossen up,  he danced with Annie and Haven for a while, along with his boyfriend and Sage and Charlie. This was easily in the top 5 best nights of his life.

Sage and Charlie went off to go back to there table while a slow dance started to play, leaving Chase and Nate on the dance floor while the girls went to the bathroom.
"Can I make a request?" Sage asked as Charlie shoves his hands in his pockets, resisting the urge to hold Sage's hand.
"Sure, But Doesn't mean I'll accept it."
"Can we slow dance... tonight." Sage mumbled.

Charlie didn't look at Sage. Wanting to say yes... but he couldn't... he just couldn't.
"I'll think about it."

Meanwhile Chase has his eyes closed as he rested his head against Nate's chest. His boy moved with Nate's and everything felt perfect as Nate sang to him softly.
"Can I lay by your side, next to you, to you
And make sure you're alright
I'll take care of you,
And I don't want to be here if I can't be with you tonight"

Chase let out a content sigh.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too Chase... more than you'll ever know." Nate smiled, resting his forehead on Chases before giving him a soft, sweet kiss.

When they let go of each other, Chase saw someone he never thought to see.

"Mae?" Chase asked, gripping onto Nate's bicep.
"Chase! I need to talk to you, right now... please..." she begged, grabbing his arm. Nate pulled Chase closer, gripping his hip tightly so he couldn't move. "Privately."

Chase glanced at Nate and then back at Mae, who was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans... obviously not planning on coming to prom tonight. Chase looked at Nate, pulling him down for a kiss before letting Mae pull him off. Nate sighed in frustration before going to find Sage and Charlie to complain too.

Once Chase and Mae we're off in a corner by themselves, they stared at each other before embracing in a tight hug. "I wish I could explain everything to you, but I only can start with this... Nate's using you Chase, he doesn't love you."

Chase let go of Mae and gave her a look of pure confusion. "Mae what are you-"
"Chase I know it sounds crazy, but I'm telling the truth. I went to Nate's house... looking for you guys so I could explain myself... and apologize... and I wanted to talk to Charlie... but instead I found Nevaeh. And she showed me this..."

Mae reached into her back pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, handing it to chase.

Chase raised and eyebrow as he read the title, his heart sinking a little

How to get Chase to prom

1. Ask him out, persevere no matter what
2. Get him to fall in love
3. Tell him I love him till he believes it
4. Fuck him. Then he'll believe it
5. Crazy promposal
6. Go to prom. You won

Chases heart shattered as he read the last sentence.

7. Break up with him

He knew this was Nate's hand writing, but he was trying so hard to convince himself it was fake. "Chase... I'm so-"

"No. No, no no. Shut up he didn't make this. He loves me, I know he does... he... he loves me..." Chases voice became weaker as he talked. Mae frowned and pulled out her phone, showing him the screen.
"Nevaeh said you'd think I'm lying... she told me to show you this..."

Chase watched the video with watery eyes... it was Nate and Charlie talking about this plan on paper...

Chase sobbed as Nate talked about him like he was nothing and how he didn't love him. Mae turned off the video, crying herself now.
"I'm so sorry Chaser." Mae mumbled. Chase shook his head, his sadness turning into anger. He held the paper tightly in his fist before running off to find the man he loved.

Nate saw Chase coming back into view and smiled, standing up. "Chase- oh my god your crying! What happ-"

"You fucking liar!" Chase shouted, shoving Nate in the chest. Nate lost his balance a bit before standing up straight, giving his boyfriend a confused look.

"Chase what are you-"
"You liar! You bullshitter! You fucking liar you played me!" Chase screamed now. "Don't talk to me!" Chase shouted before storming off and going to find Haven. He had to get out of here now. Luckily for him, Haven spotted him first.

"Chaser, babe what's wrong?"
"Haven you have to take me home. No, don't just... get me out of here please. He lied to me, he doesn't love me he lied." Chase cried, Haven didn't question Chase. something had obviously gone down between him and Nate... She pulled out her phone starting to make calls to get them both a ride home... or well, to her house at least. She grabbed Annie and held a crying Chase as they walked out of the building and outside into the pouring rain where a car was on its way.

Nate was incredibly confused, he glanced at Sage and Charlie before taking off after his boyfriend.

Haven and Annie where in the car and chase was following, tears streaming down his face.

"Chase! Wait please!" Nate shouted. Chase stopped dead in his tracks, turning around to look at Nate. "Baby what did I do?" Nate asked desperately, glad his boy had stopped and gave him a chance.

"What's wrong? Nathaniel you played me." He whispered. "You used me as a pawn in your sick and twisted game."

Nate looked confused... until Chase showed him the paper in his hands.

"Oh my god... Chase no please-"

"You know what Nathaniel.... I trusted you... I believed in you and our love. I let you control my head and change my sexuality. I gave myself to you, I let you take my virginity Nathaniel. I gave you everything I had to offer. And on one of the happiest nights of my life I find out that all of the I love you's and the kisses and the talk about the future was all fake." Chase cried, letting the paper fall from his hands.
"Chase it started out like that, I'll be honest it did, but I fell in love with you and everything you are. Chas baby... my rose you have to believe me." Nate was crying now too as Chase began to slowly slip through his fingertips.

"I can't believe I let you through." Chase whispered. "And the worst thing about this. I fell for it Nate. You pulled me into your trap and I was so blinded by the love that I craved so bad... I was unable to see right through your lies... and I can't believe I let myself believe that someone like you could love me...

I'm only the server boy"



I'm sorry....

kj xxx

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