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"Having constant access to my boyfriend is nice." Nate commented as the pair cuddled on his bed. Chase smiled and nodded, his attention on the tv screen in front of them. They both laid there for a while, Nate brushing his fingers against Chase's skin.

"Ew the honey moon phase." Someone said, causing them both to look over at the door.
"Ew Charlie." Nate teased.

Charlie rolled his eyes. "It's been what, 2 weeks now? Shouldn't you be out of this?" He asked, walking over to Nate's desk chair and sitting down.

"No. Never. Let's stay in the honeymoon phase forever." Chase smiled, looking up at Nate.
"Whatever you want baby." He smiled, leaning down and requesting a kiss. Chase happily complied and Charlie coughed particularly loudly.

"Alright lover boys we still have to meet Haven and Mae at the mall." Charlie rolled his eyes.

They all went silent.

"You gonna be ok C?" Chase asked, leaning against Nate's chest as he sat up.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"
"This is the first time we've hung out as a group since... the Mae thing."
"I'll be fine. It'll just be a little different." Charlie shrugged. "Now come on guys, we don't wanna be late!"

Chase rolled his eyes and hesitantly got off his boyfriend. It was still weird to him that Nate was his boyfriend... they went from best friends to boyfriends... that's a thing right?

It was also weird because Chase never questioned his sexuality until Nate... but he's glad he did... he's happy with Nate. "I'm gonna run to my room and grab a couple things. And make sure most my chores are done." Chase smiled, leaning over and getting a kiss from Nate before leaving temporarily. Once Chase was gone and the door was shut, Charlie glared at Nate.

"You took it this fucking far?" Charlie was blown away. He didn't think he was actually gonna go through with all of this. That the guilt would sink in eventually.
"Uh yeah, that was the plan wasn't it?" Nate asked, sliding on his shoes.
"You're such an idiot, you know he actually likes you, and that like is gonna turn into love and when he finds out why that whole thing started he's going to be heartbroken. You have to tell him the truth before it goes to far."

"He's not going to find out. And who says I don't have an interest in him?" Nate countered. "It'll be fine Charlie, I'll take him to Prom, break up with him and everything will be fine. And he's not gonna fall in love with me in a month. We started dating like 2 weeks ago." Nate's chest ached at the thought of breaking up with Chase... but he didn't want to spend the rest of his life with Chase like that...did he?
"But you've known him for years Nate." Charlie said, breaking Nate of his thoughts.

"Stop worrying Charlie. Everything will be fine." Nate said rolling his eyes. The boys walked out of the room and down to the foyer, where Chase was talking to the staff. "Ready to go baby?" Nate asked smiling, reaching for Chase's hand. Chase nodded and took his offer before they started walking to the car. Nate in the front, Charlie next to him and Chase in the back.

"So are you excited to do some last minute back to school shopping?" Charlie smiled, looking back at Chase.
"I have all the supplies just not the clothes." Chase smiled and shrugged.
"Which is why we're going to the mall." Nate added. "And you're going to buy whatever you want and not worry about money."

Chase rolled his eyes. He can't help it, it's just a habit.

When they finally got to the mall, Chase was immediately dragged away by Haven and Mae, leaving Charlie and Nate behind.

"This was excepted." Nate nodded.
"Happens every time." Charlie chuckled before they headed for their own preferred stores. They passed a few on the way, stoping in the new ones and skipping over the old ones. They passed by a Victoria secret, Nate bit his lip, looking at the display. He was lost in his own thoughts, thinking about how Chase would look in lingerie, he didn't even have time to realize he was about to run into someone until he was already on the ground.

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