my biggest fear

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Every morning I wake up to the thought that today is going to be the day.
Today is going to be the day that everyone I've ever felt close to disappears.
That they stop talking to me and that I'll walk through the halls at school seeing the secrets behind their eyes but never having them told to me again.
I imagine I life where everything i think is forced to stay in my head where it can hurt me.
I imagine a life where the familiar faces become those of strangers.
I imagine a life where all the people that I looked to in a time of need, always turned their back on me.
This could be because of how many people have already left me for dead, or it could be my mind feeding me thoughts that everyone tries to tell me are never going to materialize. But nonetheless, the thoughts are still there and every morning, when I wake up, I think of how today could be the day where all I know, falls apart.

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