𖧐Chapter Thirteen𖧐

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As Dawn Begins | Bakugo x Oc
Chapter 13 | Special Training
Word Count | 3330

W A R N I N G S 
Not fully edited, subject to added or removed details. During an editing process, some details might be mixed up from them changing in another chapter.

Banners made by: dykeish
Characters belonging to me: Yoake and any others added for the plot to run smoothly.

第13章—————————The past is the beginning of the beginning and all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn

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The past is the beginning of the
beginning and all that is and has been
is but the twilight of the dawn.
Kako wa hajime no hajimarideari,
soreha subete, yoake no yūguredesu.

I wake up right when the sun is starting to rise and get up with a stretch. If I want to say my goodbyes and still leave in time to make my train and not miss dinner, there's no time to waste. My stuff is pretty easy to pack up and once I'm finished I take my bag to the kitchen. When I set it on one of the dining chairs, I catch sight of Nana in the backyard tending to the flowers.

I grab a piece of paper saying where I'm going and leave it on the table in case she comes inside before I'm back. I don't bother with breakfast and head out the door to my bike. Hayashi will be working today so I'm not going to be able to hang out with him as much.

My feet start pedaling towards the stables, hoping that I remember the way. Once I get past the majority of shops and houses, the road in front of me is all fields so at least I don't have to struggle with directions.

The fresh air blows my hair back and I can't help but wish I could feel this every day. My lungs fill up with the sweet feeling and I stretch my arms out to let the sun's rays on me. When I come back to my senses and grab a hold of the handle bars again, I notice that I'm passing by the farmers who are out working.

At first I thought that it was going to be hard to spot Hayashi out of all the people. I was proven wrong when I easily caught a glimpse of long black hair swaying in a ponytail. Yet again, he's shirtless and it takes me a minute to steady my bike before I call out to him.

Once he hears his name being called, his eyes catch mine and a smile grows on his face. He takes a break to stand up straight and wave back at me and my face turns an ungodly shade of red when my eyes graze over his toned abdomen with beads of sweat dripping down it.

I swear my feet start pedaling at a speed I didn't even think was possible and I get to the stables much faster than I anticipated. I lean my bike up against a tree and when I don't see anyone right away, I take a step inside the stables.

I expect to see Hayashi's grandfather like yesterday, but this time there's a young woman no more than five years older than me tending to the horses. "Um, excuse me. I'm Monoma Yoake. Is Mr. Sakumotsu here right now."

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