Chapter 3

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Narrator POV:

After morning classes were over it was finally lunchtime. They had invited their new classmate Stella, to join them and although she was shy she had quickly made friends all the girls.

They all huddled into a corner of the schoolhouse, setting up what was seemingly a fort. All the girls laughed and enjoyed talking about boys, sharing secrets, and passing around food amongst themselves.

"Hey guys, listen ok my aunt Josephine is hosting a Winter Ball," Diana said with a squeal.

All the girls had smiles practically plastered on their faces.

"That will be so grand, Ms. Joesphine throws the best parties," Anne said vibrating with anticipation.

"The best part is that boys have to ask us to the dance," Diana said with a smile making her dimples more apparent by the second.

The schoolgirls were now gleaming with excitement discussing who they want to go with. All except for Anne for was dishearten after hearing this.

"What's wrong Anne," Rudy said with a look of concern in her eyes.

"No boy is gonna want to ask me, with my dreadful red hair and awful freckles," Anne said trying to hold back tears.

" Got that right," Josie murmured to herself , but some of the girls still heard.

"Josie!" Diana uncharacteristically yelled.

Josie was left kinda awestruck by this, but quickly regrouped herself.

"Anne if a boy doesn't like you for you then he isn't worth it," Diana said with a warm smile.

Quickly after that lunch was over and word got out about the Winter Ball. Afternoon classes went by seemingly quickly since everyone was thrilled about news. 

Another short chapter sorry, I'm really tired and I am not in the writing mood. But I knew I had to get another chapter out. Please vote and comment. ( btw sorry for the photo just found it in my camera roll thought it was funny)


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