Chapter 7

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Although Harry wasn't the nicest to Ally, she couldn't stop thinking about him. How his hair stood messily but perfectly above his head, how his eyes sparkled every time her eyes met hers but sometimes they weren't as sparkly. Sometimes they seemed dull, gloomy and sometimes unreadable. How his lips were always red as cherry despite the cold weather outside.

Ally stood in front of the long aisle at the grocery store, the icy frost and cloudy weather making it looking like night-time on a Saturday noon. Monica has given her, along with other dancers, a day off which they normally get on a Sunday but Ally didn't bother to ask why because she needed it. It has been over a week since she talked to Harry. Of course, she had seen him around the company but they only shared eye contact. Ally secretly wished for attention from him and she doesn't know why but all she knew that she was eager to at least have a short conversation with him even though he wasn't the nicest person, to say the least.

As she stood in front of the vegetable aisle, picking up some carrots, her phone buzzed in the back pocket of her dark jeans. She reached for it, her twin's name appearing on the screen.

Jason 12:17: Are you still at the store?

Ally 12:17: Yes what do u want?

Jason 12:18: Get some beer with u

Ally raised an eyebrow. She remembered that there were two bottles left in the fridge so she thought maybe someone is coming over.

Ally 12:19: Ok. Is someone coming over?

Jason 12:19: Yes Harry.

She gulped as she stared at the screen, wondering since when Jason and Harry became close.

She threw the carrots in the cart and completed her shopping with a shift in her mood from blissful from the quiet atmosphere to anxious.


When she parked her brother's car, her phone buzzed again, indicating a text. She rolled her eyes when it was a text from her brother telling her that she's taking so long. She took the bags from the back seat and made her way up to the apartment. Her hands were full so she turned around and elbowed the door, hoping it's heard properly.

The door flew open but it wasn't her brother standing at the door. She looked up and met the familiar green eyes and this time she noticed they were sparkly.

"Oh," she breathed. Looking down at him properly, he wasn't wearing a long sleeve sweater like usual but instead he wore a short leave black t-shirt, showing the ink on his skin, which she never thought he had that many. "Hello," she smiled at him politely.

Harry nodded and smiled back. "Here, let me help you." He stepped forward and took some of the bags from her grip. Turning around, Ally noticed how the t-shirt made his back look toned. Everything about him was attractive to her.

"Where is Jason?" she asked as she closed the door behind her, making her way into the kitchen. The apartment wasn't spacious which made the kitchen door right next to the front door.

"He's having a phone call with your dad I believe." He answered standing next to the counter, resting his hand on it.

"My dad?" she frowned. Ally's dad only called on Sundays since he is too busy with work, even on Saturdays.

Soon enough Jason appeared in the small hallway, his phone in his hand.

"Dad called," Jason announced. "He said that granny is at the hospital again."

"Granny who?" Ally asked with worry, resting her hand on her hip.

"Is she all right?" Harry wondered. That made her turn to look at him in surprise, taken aback with Harry's nice actions.

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