Chapter 7 - { Close }

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So far from who I was.
From who I love. From who I want to be.

After some time, Mosspelt and Darkpaw sat up, exiting Flowerstar's den at the sound of cats flooding into the camp. All the apprentices were there along with all the mentors. Smiling, laughing, talking about the game, critiquing one another. Darkpaw smiled, forgetting the uncomfortable feeling of mud matting and clogging her fur as Sagepaw appeared from the crowd.

"Sagepaw!" Darkpaw called, bounding down from the rock pile and over towards her mud streaked comrade. "Did you get away quick enough?" She asked.

Sagepaw looked to her and nodded. "Yeah! I met up briefly with Adderpaw and Amberpaw. I told them that you were stealing the flag so they said that they'd cover you. Did they?"

Darkpaw nodded. "They did." Sagepaw was a good teammate. She was direct and knew how to play in a team; unlike Darkpaw who was a little bit 'my way or the high way' when working with other cats. "You were great when you were sneaking down. You're so lithe and silent. How do you do it?"

"I have the same question for you, Darkpaw. How did you manage to steal the flag?" Smallpaw huffed, sauntering forward with her chin and tail held high.

Sagepaw instantly leapt to Darkpaw's defense. "We played as a team and use these marvelous things that grow from the moment we're born called brains." The pale tabby interjected. "I guess you didn't get the message though, I mean, your name is Smallpaw, after all." glaring at Smallpaw defiantly who gave no more than a contempt sniff.

Darkpaw's eyes widened before she bled her head and grinned to herself as Smallpaw hissed and strutted past.

Other apprentices were now flooding the two of them, showering Darkpaw and Sagepaw with praise and joy. They were ecstatic that they had won. There was nothing but happiness and success to win but sometimes that's all you need to make you feel full.

"Sagepaw your idea for the mud was so clever!" Adderpaw chimed, sitting opposite the two she-cats. Maplepaw nodded vigorously beside the StormClan she-cat.

Happiness gleamed in Darkpaw's pale eyes. Sagepaw was glowing under all the attention and praise, despite her shy and reserved disposition. She was overwhealmed with joy as the other apprentices from all clans showered her with compliments. Darkpaw could tell that she needed that.

"So um.." Darkpaw turned her head and saw Roanpaw, his green eyes bright. "Are we friends now?"

Darkpaw flicked an ear, her whiskers quivering. "Friends? Lets at least be mutual acquaintances first." She scoffed. "I still think you're an arrogant bee-brain."

Roanpaw's tail held high. "Speak for yourself, you're about the most stubborn know it all I've ever met!" He growled in response, forest like gaze defiant.

"Oh, bark off fish-face." Darkpaw hissed, whipping around. "I don't have time for your idiocy." The dark tortoiseshell waved her long spotted tail dismissively.

"Gladly you pretentious-prickle." The StormClan tom huffed. "I don't have time for your arrogance." Roanpaw sneered, poking his tongue out and rolling his eyes.

Darkpaw snorted, flashing him a warning glare over her shoulder as she sauntered away.

"Lets get back to the gathering place!" Mosspelt's voice rose above the others as she split the crowd and led them back to the gathering place, the apprentices all beaming with pride at their small victory.

Trekking back, Darkpaw tuned out completely from all convocations that were happening around her, walking contentedly on her own. Pondering her thoughts as they re-entered the gathering place, Darkpaw's pale gaze fixed on Whisperstar and Runningstar. The tortoiseshell frowned, watching the two leaders sit in very close discussion. The BlazingClan apprentice lifted her chin, narrowing her gaze in an intrigued frown.

"That's a curious sight." She mumbled to herself.

Adderpaw came up beside her, following her gaze and frowning, curiosity intense in her green and amber eyes. "Quite the observer, aren't you Darkpaw?" She mewed softly, her voice and gaze still thoughtful as the two apprentices watched Whisperstar and Runningstar.

"They seem close." Darkpaw chimed in a higher pitch than her usual voice as she studied the body language between the two leaders. "I mean, I understand that BreezeClan and NightClan are strong allies and good friends but cross clan relationships are forbidden for so many good reasons."

Adderpaw shook her head. "StarClan, no. Whisperstar is devoted body and soul to Blackstar. Those two go back seasons to kithood. Everyone should know that."

Darkpaw nodded sitting down beside Adderpaw as every cat in the clearing did so. Flamestar and Flowerstar waited patiently upon the cliff as Whisperstar and Runningstar sauntered over, leaping up. Behind them the sun was starting to sink, sending brilliant colours all around and casting long shadows across the earth. The brilliant orb of illuminating light set fire to the cliff as it dipped behind the powerful looking rock.

"Say," Adderpaw started, looking at Darkpaw. "Did Sagepaw say anything weird to you? Or act strange?" The tricolour tabby's tail tip flicked back and forth with unease.

Darkpaw narrowed her gaze, reflecting on the day she had spent with Sagepaw. "No, not that I can think of. Why do you ask?"

Adderpaw bowed her head, looking long and hard at the ground for a moment before she looked back at Darkpaw. "Meet me at the White Willow tonight at moonhigh. We can't talk about anything here. Too many listening ears and watchful eyes." Adderpaw's mismatched gaze flickered around, her voice a barely audible low toned murmur.

Darkpaw nodded, visualizing the willow on the island between StormClan and BlazingClan. It was on a small island that sat in the middle of the river. Shaking away the thoughts of how she'd cross the rushing water the dark tortoiseshell focused on Flowerstar as she begun to speak.

"Today has been a tremendous celebration of peace and prosperity between all four clans! All of us worked collaboratively to share a day of relaxation and enjoyment with one another!" Flowerstar's voice echoed throughout the clearing. The more Darkpaw looked at her the more she saw her in Roanpaw. Looking to the StormClan tom, she couldn't help but smile slightly as pride shone fiercely in his emerald gaze. Darkpaw wondered what it was like to feel proud of your mother. Or your father. She didn't really have one of those.

Shaking the bitter thought she watched as the crowd dissipated, cats splitting off into their clans. The tortoiseshell couldn't help but watch as Bluemoon gave Whisperstar a strange unreadable look. The two of them shared a very brief glance before the stunning NightClan leader turned to clanmates and directed them back to NightClan territory. NightClan was gone within moments, as were most of BreezeClan.

"See you tonight." Adderpaw whispered to Darkpaw, touching her tail-tip to Darkpaw's shoulders.

Darkpaw nodded reassuringly to the StormClan she-cat.

Turning around she bounded towards Mosspelt who greeted her with a fond lick on the ear, the two of them walking side by side. A warmth filled her, a bright light shining in her eyes.
Oh yeah, that's what it feels like to be proud of your mother. The fact that Mosspelt and her weren't even related didn't bother her when that feeling arised. Mosspelt taught her all she knew and today they had taught each other a lot. The thought of going home and sharing a nice piece of prey before a good night's sleep was everything she needed to fulfill her.

"You did well today, Darkpaw. I'm proud of you." Mosspelt mewed in a warm, tone.

Darkpaw smiled, warming from her ears to her tail tip.


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