BANG BANG "please stop it please!" "why should we,huh,huh"... "Exactly"once they through me into the locker one more time, they walked friend Mckenna came running in a scramble,when she saw me on the floor she was asking me questions left and right,so fast I couldn't keep up I couldn't even see her clearly,was It because of my teary eyes?or just because of the major headache stupid Kelsey and Elana just gave me.I don't really know. Kenna and I got up my legs feeling like jello,we stood there and thought to our selves then Kenna looked at me and stuttered "are-are you okay kate?"I looked at her and with my voice shaking I answered "s-sure".we went to class and of course stupid Kelsey and Elena where there I mean why the hell wouldn't they actually show up to class for the first time! just so they can corner me before I leave the room. Ugg! Why is it always me!! ALWAYS ME! I thought my head was gonna blow my dad always said everything happens for a reason. I've always believed that. but now I was questioning it. I don't understand this time. I just don't

Friends close,enemies closer
RandomThis is a story about a girl that goes through hard times yet her friend is by her side the hole time until something changes....will she always be there for Kate or will she not...