My Father is WHO?!

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I've been here for three days. THREE!

Luke has been teaching me how to fight with a sword. He's pretty awesome.

Today we are having a capture the flag game. I'm planning on using what I learned from the Avengers to my advantage. This is going to be awesome.


I had just beaten Clarisse, and we had won the game. We were celebrating when we heard a growl.

We turned to see a large hairy dog, with glowing red eyes, and large teeth sticking out from its mouth.

The campers yelled, and the dog pounced. It landed on me, and pushed me into the ground. I could feel its claws digging in through the metal of the armor. Just then, several arrows sprouted from the monsters neck. It colapsed and turned into dust. Just like Mrs. Dodds and the minotaur.

Annabeth heped me off the ground and led me to the water. As soon as I entered the stream, the claw marks disspeared. Not even leaving a scar.

Annabeth let go of me and took a few steps back. Everyone was staring at me. Wait, not at me, above me.

I looked up and saw a fading green trident hovering above my head. When I looked back at Chiron and all the campers, I saw them kneeling.

"All hail Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon. Earthshaker, stormbringer, god of the sea."

Wait, WHAT?!


I was walking along the border during the camp fire. I was a son of Poseidon? But I thought my dad was Loki? Maybe he made a mistake? Maybe there is another kid that is actually the son of Loki, and I am a son Poseidon. All this thinking is making my brain hurt. I should ask Uncle Thor about this.

As I got closer to Thalia's tree, as they called the giant pine tree, I heard voices. I looked outside the border, and saw some familiar faces sitting around a small fire. The team!

I snuck up behind Tony, and yelled "BOO!" He screamed like a little girl and fell off the log he was sitting on. I laughed.

He looked up and saw me standing there. "Percy!" He exclaimed. And then I was wrapped in multple hugs. After that, I sat down next to Natasha, who messed my hair up even more.

"Guys, there's probably something I should tell you." I took a deep breath and said, "I don't think Loki is my real dad."

Confused looks went around. I took another breath and said,

"There's this summer camp not too far from here. It's a Greek camp and the Greek gods are real. I was claimed by Poseidon, god of the sea earlier today. "

"WHAT!" Was exlaimed.

This was going to be harder than I thought.

Yay! Update! I will try to update soon.

Yours in Demigodishness,

Percy Jackson, son of two godsWhere stories live. Discover now