AN and Sending little Percy to school

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So, I want to know if you guys would like to read the whole thing summarized and just skip to the Underworld part, or continue how we are? I'm stuck. So, what would you guys like? Skip right to the Underworld and find out how Percy has two godly parents, or continue as we go?

And, music. Do you want me to put music while you read? Yes or no? I'm putting 'Counting Stars' by OneRepublic. But I still need an answer!

And yes, I know there are a lot of author's notes on here. But, to make up on not updating, I thought you guys might like to read something with Percy as a kid with the Avengers. So, here we go.







The Avengers had had Percy for a week. And with him and Tony running around the tower, the place was a mess.

Luckily, Percy listened to Steve.

(Third P.O.V.)

"Guys, I think we should send Percy to school." Steve said.

Bruce nodded. "We should. It would be a good idea to meet kids his age, and he should get a good education."

Steve nodded, as Clint took out a laptop and started to look for a school. They managed to find one. Miss Mary's elementary school. (I don't know if this is a real school or not...)

Then the school semester started. They had bought Percy all the things he would need. Pencils, paper, crayons, etc. etc...

Tony had bought Percy a Nerf gun, and he had tried to sneak it into school, but Natasha caught him.

"But Auntie Nat! I want to take it to school!" Percy wined.

Natasha shook her head. "We don't want you to get expelled on your first day. Now, Steve will take you, and the rest of us will wait in the car."

They turned to leave, and Tony said, "Good luck Cap." Then he was off.

Steve took Percy into the school. After a few minutes, he managed to find the classroom. He knocked on the open door to get the attention of the teacher.

She turned to look at him and smiled. "Hello. You must be Mr. Rogers." Then she looked down at Percy. "And this must be Percy. Nice to meet you, I am Mrs. Chesterfield."

"Nice to meet you, too." Steve said. "I hope he behaves."

Mrs. Chesterfield nodded her head. "He can take a seat on that table next to Susan and Mark."

Percy hopped up and down as Steve bent down to his height. Steve chuckled, and ruffled Percy's black hair. "See you soon, buddy."

"Bye Steve!" Percy called out as he walked over to the empty seat the teacher directed him to.

Steve chuckled at how easy it was as he walked out of the school.

Percy's P.O.V.

I sat down next to two kids that the teacher called Susan and Mark.

"Hi. I'm Susan." The girl next to me said.

"And I'm Mark." The boy on my other side said.

"I'm Perseus. But don't call me that. Call me Percy. I don't like Perseus. They say it when I get in trouble." I replied.

Susan giggled.

"Do you want to be best friends?" I asked the both of them. They nodded eagerly.


(Third P.O.V.)

The rest of the day went by in a blur for Percy. He played with his new friends, and before he knew it, it was time to go.

He was playing on the playground, when he saw Steve standing at the door, waiting.

He said bye to his friends and ran over to Steve.

"Steve!" the little boy called out. The super soldier laughed and picked up the young boy.

"Hey, Perce. How was your first day of school?" Steve asked, as they walked to the car.

"Great! I made two new friends!" The little boy said as he held up two fingers.

Steve laughed. The rest of the car ride was silent, other than the radio blasting music and Percy singing along.

When they got to the tower, they were ambushed by Tony and a nerf gun.

Let's just say, Percy had the best day ever. To him and his little six-year old mind.

So, yeah. Hope you liked it.


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