(3) Meeting Them

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(Evan's pov)

"So who's the chick" 2p said looking at (y/n),"her name is (y/n) and I'd appreciate it if you didn't call her chick" I said growling at him, 2p vannos is the total opposite of me, instead of being kind, caring, and a leader he's bossy, mean, and sometimes doesn't care for his team.

While me and 2p were glaring at each other (y/n) started moving around in my arms, I looked down to see she was starting to wake up,"(y/n) are you awake" I asked her with concern, she opened her eyes and looked at me,"Evan where are we" she asked ...

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While me and 2p were glaring at each other (y/n) started moving around in my arms, I looked down to see she was starting to wake up,"(y/n) are you awake" I asked her with concern, she opened her eyes and looked at me,"Evan where are we" she asked me, I was about to say something but 2p beat me to it,"your in my world sweetheart" she turned her head to look at him then back at me, she jumped out of my arms and stood beside me staring at 2p,"uhh Evan why are there two of you" she asked look at 2p and me, switching her gaze back and forth. I sighed before saying,"(y/n) this is 2p vannos, my counter part"she turned to me and raised an eyebrow at me before saying,"so there's two of you, but in different worlds, I nodded my head,"but there's way more of us sweetheart" 2p said causeing her to look at him confused," what do you mean there's more" she asked him,"well do you know the vannos crew" he asked her, she nodded her head,"there are more like me that resemble each boy in the crew" she sighed and nodded her head, she then grabbed my arm and hide a little bit behind me, but peaked out a little so she can see 2p, who was just staring at her like a creep. He then started to walk away but I knew where his was going and I didnt like it,"you two coming or what" he asked us looking over his shoulder, I sigh and started walking with (y/n) following close behind me, we where going to the same place we went to when me and the boys first came here, there house where all the rest off them where. I didn't think bringing (y/n) to there house was a good idea, basically because I don't trust any of them.
((Small time skip))
(Y/n pov)

I was so confused, right now we were 2p vannos front door. I think he took us to his house because we didn't have anywhere else to go, why would we, where in another world, there are two vannos, and there are more of these 2p guys. I took glances at Evan once in a while to see that his face has worry on it. So I grabbed his hand and sneezed it lightly, he looked and me and smiled, I smiled back, as 2p vannos opens the door and allows us to walk in. He told us to go wait in the living room while he went and grabbed his crew, me and Evan sat on the couch still holding hands waiting for 2p to get back, I slowly leaned my head on Evan shoulder closing my eyes. After a couple of minuts 2p came back with the rest of them, some of the sat on the couches and chairs across from us and some stayed standing,"OK guys 1p brought someone I want you to meet" he said looking at me," umm I didn't bring her here we were forced here genius" Evan said rolling his eyes, while the two argued I took this as a chance to see what everybody looked like, they all looked like the guys back home but different. I believe they all have different personality's just like Evan and 2p vannos, I really didn't focus much on them because soon they went to the kitchen after I had switched my gaze to my necklace, the owl necklace I first got when we became friends, it reminded me of home and the boys, I missed them all ready. Sitting here with the 2P's remind me of them,"h-hey are y-you ok" somebody next to me said, I was so focus on the necklace I didn't even realized that two of them where sitting next to me, they looked a lot like Marcel and Tyler.

 Sitting here with the 2P's remind me of them,"h-hey are y-you ok" somebody next to me said, I was so focus on the necklace I didn't even realized that two of them where sitting next to me, they looked a lot like Marcel and Tyler

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I looked up and smiled at them,"yes in fine" I said to them with a smile, they smiled back before the one in a fin hat continued," well my name is basically but you can call me Marcel" he said holding out his hand for me to shake, I gladly took hi...

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I looked up and smiled at them,"yes in fine" I said to them with a smile, they smiled back before the one in a fin hat continued," well my name is basically but you can call me Marcel" he said holding out his hand for me to shake, I gladly took his hand in mine giving it a light shake, his hands are way bigger compared to my hands. "And this is wildcat" his said pointing to the man beside me who gave a small wave and smiled, I waved back and smiled," or you can just call me tyler" I nodded in response, soon they introduced me to all the 2P's. Sitting here in the living room did really remind me of them, like how we always have a great time with each other, or just hang out or watch a movie. I already learned a lot about them already, like delirious is always loud at home but here he never talks, he only does sign language witch I can understand, I've learned a couple things or two about sign language when I was little. Also the Marcel here doesn't rage like the one at home and how wildcat here can be a bit shy unlike the one at home who is not shy at all. Seriously we were at the mall one time hanging out when this random guy came out of now where and tried to flirt with me. I was going to walk away when the guy grabbed my wrist and still tried to flirt with me, just then Tyler came over and pulled me into his chest sending daggers at the guy, so yeah basically he is not shy at all. "Hey (y/n)" I turned around to see Evan," yeah Evan what's up" I said turning to him, he walked up to me placing his arms on my shoulders, "we might be staying here for I while so where going to share a room, if that's OK with you" he said rubbing the back of his neck," sure I don't mind" I said with a smile," great, its just until we find a way back" I nodded as he walk to the living room,"also (y/n), watch out for some of these guys they can get flirting" he said smirking, I just laughed as he wen t to the living room. Tomorrow is going to be a new day, I said to myself.

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