7[The silent type]

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Yesterday after the boys came home they brought some supplies, Evan said that they "borrowed" it but I didn't believe that, I'm not that dumb. The boys actual went out again but this time it wasn't to steal stuff, it was just to hang out, they asked me if I wanted to join but I declined. Delirious had declined to and stayed here, I don't know much about him, only the fact that he doesn't speak at all, guess he's a silent type kind of guy. I went to the kitchen to get me a bottle of water, while searching I could feel a presence behind me but I choose to ignore it. Standing to my full height, I turned to walk out but only to bump into someone's chest, I back up a bit and look to see delirious standing there. "Oh hey delirious" I smiled, as usual he didn't say anything, so I walked around him to the living room and sat on the couch. Flipping through the channels I didn't really find anything interesting, so I decided to read a book instead, I was so into the that I didn't feel that there was something on my lap until it turned to look at the tv, looking down I see 2p delirious laying his head on my lap. I didn't even hear him come in the living room, perks of being a non-talker I guess. "You can really find a way to sneak huh" I swor I saw him smirk under his mask, I just laughed and continued reading my book.

A few hours had passed and the other boys still aren't back yet, there probably out doing another thing. Soon after 2p delirious fell fast asleep on my lap, I didn't think he could fall asleep that fast, it actually made me giggled a bit. I got up a slow as possible trying not to wake him and went to the closet. I soon came back with a pillow and blanket, I figured that the sleeping masked man would like to get a little comfortable, I'm still slightly amazed on how he can sleep with his mask still on. After getting him comfortable I went to the kitchen and started to make something to eat, he probably will be hungry when he wakes up.

Hello everyone, plz don't hate me. I know I haven't updated in a while and you guys have been waiting for a while, but here it is, I hope you guys enjoy. HAPPY READS!!

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