Road To Hell

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This is a Picture of a Vickers Wellington


This Chapter is dedicated to  -jackcollins ! Thank You so much for your feedback! You guys should seriously check out her Dunkirk fanfic Survival, It's amazing!!

Please do tell me what you think of this Chapter (Comment or PM), I would really appreciate it!


Chapter 3

The wind blew through Rebbeca's brown hair, allowing it to flow freely and wildly. She felt a sense of freedom as the ocean air combed through her hair and the salty droplets came into contact with her pale face, the girl closed her eyes as she stood there, at the bow of the boat. For a moment, she forgot all about what was happening; the war, Jack and Chris, how exhausted she was... It was remarkable.

"It's beautiful, isn't it. The blue water, the fresh smell" Peter's voice was calm as he made his way next to Rebecca who hummed in agreement, enjoying each other's company in silence. A thin arm found its way across Rebbeca's shoulders, who, after realizing who the arm belonged to, rested her head against the raven-haired girl.

"I would almost be enjoying this if it wasn't for-"

"Mr. Dawson!" George yelled in alert, cutting Natasha off mid-sentence. The trio turned around quickly, wanting to know what all the commotion was about. Natasha followed Peter as he walked next to him, looking up at the brilliantly blue sky.

"Woah," she whispered as the deafening sound of a large bomber plane made its way above the small yacht, Rebbeca looked up in terror, her heart thumping rapidly inside her chest as she feared for the worst. The two girls shared a scared look before looking back at the large aircraft.

"One of ours, Goerge" Mr. Dawson assured as the bomber flew past them. Rebecca let out a big breath of relief as she twiddled with her bracelet before walking towards the stern, where Mr.Dawson leaned next to the ensign.

"Mr.Dawson?" Rebecca started, "How could you tell? The roundels were not visible from here, at least, I don't think they were..." She continued, her curiosity getting the best of her. Ever since her young age, Rebecca has been devouring book after book that talked about 'The war to end all wars' as well as aviation during that time, all books and newspapers her father collected over the years. Albeit, Rebbeca's teachers were not as happy to see her nose buried in books designated for Men, which unfortunately led to her getting continuously picked on by not only the girls in her class, but the teachers and parents too... "A proper man would never even dare spare just a glance at a woman like you" or " What kind of man would want a woman who knows as much about those Aeroplanes machines as he does?" Are all but a few snarky remarks that were thrown to her by the teachers and adults around her. However, her family never once failed to state just how proud they were of the youngest family member, her father always listening to her while she would express the new things she'd learned, or her mother, who used to calm her worries relating to the comments the adults surrounding her would say, and her brother, who used to sneak aviation-related books so then they could be kept up to date with the newest inventions in the aviation industry, also used to defend and speak up against the adults and kids who did not take kindly to her.

Mr.Dawson looked at the girl admiringly, taken slightly aback that the girl's curious mind wandered to at the girl's curious mind, it wasn't very often, if not ever, he got to speak to a girl about something like this,

"Well, Rebecca," he started, clearing his throught softly, trying to figure out how to explain it. He pulled her closer to him and pointed at the bomber that was disappearing out of sight and put a hand on her shoulder affectionately before pointing at the large tin bird,

"If you look closely, you can tell that this bomber, for example, has a rectangular build as opposed to those used by the Luftwaffe," he looked at her as if asking her if everything was making sense, she nodded eagerly in response, he continued "and in combination with the wings that transitions upwards softly-," he remarked, motioning his finger upwards as if he was tracing the wings of the distancing Aeroplane, "and that distinct sound of the Bristol Perseus engine is a telltale that this is indeed an RAF bomber, more specifically, a Vickers Wellington" Mr.Dawson was smiling passionately by the end of his explanation. Peter's dad has warmed up considerably to the young girl, starting to feel an attachment to her as if she was his own daughter, and to be able to express such complex knowledge with her, made him feel even happier. He also observed from a distance how Rebecca and Peter's relationship has evolved, it wasn't similar to the sibling-like connection Natasha had with his younger son, but something with much more potential.

"Oh, I see! Thanks, Mr.Dawson!" Rebecca said thoughtfully with a toothy grin. She broke eye contact with the kind eyes of Mr.Dawson to look back at her friends, but her smile falling at once as she witnessed an immense boat sailing past the little moonstone. The kind elder's hand slid off the blue-eyed girl as the entirety of the teenagers' eyes located people staring back at them from the destroyer.

Rebecca moved towards the port and stood behind Natasha with wide eyes, her heart shattering as the team witnessed the many appalling looking eyes and ghost faced men, boys who saw too much. Natasha's eyes brimmed with tears as the terribly intimidating boat continued to move, her heartbreaking at the sight, just much as Rebecca's. It looked to have carried an infinite amount of soldiers, all bearing the same bone-chilling stare that somehow, as heavy as it made the hearts who stared into their eyes, only managed to barely transfer the surface of the many catastrophes and mentally-breaking events the young soldiers were forced to endure. Rebecca looked down, breaking eye contact with a redhead soldier who stood behind the railings several feet above them. A thin layer of tears covered the girl's cerulean eyes, those tears came from a feeling she couldn't quite understand,

Sympathy maybe? I feel utterly enraged by the fact that I can't do anything to help those brave men.

A hand was placed on Rebecca's shoulder, catching her off guard and frightening her out of her thoughts with a jump. She looked to her side to find the soft brown eyes that belonged to non-other than George, staring back at her. He gave her a reassuring smile and a pat on the back before walking to the bow of the boat, meeting up with Peter and was left with the comforting presence of Natasha.

The two girls sat on the port of the boat, the ride getting bumpier the farther they went, Rebecca looked out into the distance but was startled out of her seat as the sounds of bombs being dropped met her ears and almost fell into the salty water if it wasn't for Natasha who steadied her.

"Oi! that was a close one, Becca!" Natasha gasped, shaking her head playfully as she looked straight into Rebecca's sheepish eyes. Natasha swiped her thumb across her forehead, removing the loose strands of hair that managed to escape her well-made braid;

"I know you would have rather had Peter fish you out though" Natasha whispered with a smirk, snickering as she bumped into her shoulder lightly. Rebecca gave her an exaggerated eye roll before glancing back at the smoke billowing off the city of Dunkirk,

"Cmon, I am getting cold Lass" Rebecca mumbled, wrapping her arms around her waist,

"Let's go below deck. Peter! George! We are heading down to warm up for a bit!" Called Natasha, pointing in the direction the two would go, Peter nodded and Gorge responded with a youthful "Sound good!" 

The young women made their way down, smiling at Mr.Dawson as they squeezed past him.




Have you watched 1917?  If so, what did you think of it?

And if you have and are looking for a good 1917 fic, I think The Way Back Home by Mackaysgal92 is great! 

Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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