The Ultimate Explosion.

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goldenmaknae_  I'll let you all in a secret.  When I opened this instagram account, or when I opened any one of my social media accounts, I was really scared. I thought about whether I should create my accounts or not countless times before doing so. Social media is definitely fun but it comes with its minuses. Especially when you're a public figure, social media puts alot of pressure on you. People look upto you and have expectations from you. Its a good thing that  someone gains energy from looking at my posts but its so pressurizing because people expect something from me and if I can't fulfill it, they get disappointed. Its troublesome trying to live upto people's expectations when seven billion people have seven billion expectations.

In the recent days, there have been alot of rumours about me. I have been called alot of things like 'ladies man' , 'playboy' , 'womanizer' , 'ladykiller' and what not. I dont know how others feel about these but these are words with heavy weightage and their use as words for my description makes my heart ache. I am not what these words describe me as. I respect women and know where my limits are. The labels that are being put on me are wrong and I don't like them.

Alot of this has come with my recent solo projects. I worked with female idols like Lisa and Tzuyu. I get that you like our pair or that you think we look good together, but how logicial is it that you force us into something just because YOU like it ? You're talking about who I would look with , who is better for me,  and who would make me happy. You all have gone to an extent as to starting fights. Why is my love life a reason for you to fight? Why does it matter to anyone who I date? More importantly, why is it that if I'm close with a female, I am 'supposedly-dating-her'? Why can I not be friends with them? Why does my name have to be linked with all my co-stars? Why does me spending time with my female friends have to make it to the headlines of some random gossip news portal?

I am an idol and I have an image in the public but that doesn't change the fact that I am human. And as a human, I have my own limits. All this time, I've stayed quiet but all of you are taking it to a whole new level. Signing a pettition for me to date Tzuyu and not Lisa? Making pages hating on Tzuyu because she is "coming in between" me and Lisa? Why would you even do this? Again, why is my love life the center of your attention? Why is that aspect of my life more cared about, than the others?

As a singer, I want people to acknowledge my singing. I want people to listen to my songs and like them. When people praise me for my work, it makes me happy. But these days, all I hear and read is how I look good with Tzuyu and not Lisa or how Lizkook is superior than Tzukook. Why is a simple 'you did well' so hard to hear these days? Why is my supposed, non-existent love life getting more attention than my abilities and talents? Why is my hardwork being overshadowed by tabloid stories? And its not just me but all my friends. Why are Lisa and Tzuyu getting hate for something so trivial? Why are you people saying mean things to them? Is it a crime to work with me? They don't deserve to hear or read such comments.

Like I said, idols are human too. When people say bad things about us or send hateful comments, they hurt us. Your words that you put out so carelessly hurt us. And the words that have been directed to me this time around have wounded me deeply. More than that, the things that Lisa and Tzuyu had to hear, the things that my hyungs and noonas had to hear, broke my heart.

I'm sorry @lalalalisa_m and @choutzuyu_ that you had to hear all those rude things because of me. I'm sorry to my BTS hyungs and BLACKPINK noonas for the harshness you had to bear.

I'm sorry to the fans that I couldn't please you. I'm sorry that your ships couldn't sail. I'm sorry to everyone whose expectations I couldn't live up to.

Most importantly, I'm sorry to myself. I'm sorry thay I got myself into this. I need some time to get over this and to get myself and my thought together. I need some me time and some time away from all the negativity. So, I have decided that I will be taking a hiatus from social media. I will not be using any social media platform for as long as I find necessary. I'm doing it for myself and my mental health. I'm doing it for the peace of my friends and people around me.

Please understand it.
I'm sorry.

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