Since You've Been Gone.

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4 years later;


I hopped off the plane,I was finally done with war,America won against the enemies. I was okay,no lost limbs or anything,just scars on my body,but I was tan and my hair was still shaved,but I’ll grow it back.

I’m so glad I’m back in Texas,I went to war when I’m 18 and I’m back home at 22. I never got a letter back from Demi since the one I got before I sent her one.  I hope she’s okay and ready for me to be home. God,I missed her. I’m not sure what she looks like.

I grabbed my bags,”Bye guys,it’s nice to meet you all,I’ll miss you.” I hugged my troop buddies that I made overseas,”Bye.” I headed home,”Joe!” my mom ran to me,”Hey mom!” I hugged her tight,”I miss you so much!!” she hugged me,I smiled,”I missed you too.”

She helped me get my bags in her car,then I got in,”I can’t really tell you the’s the Army rule.” I shrugged,”It’s fine,I understand.” she nodded,”So how everyone?” I looked at her. “Everyone is okay. Nick and Selena are engaged and Selena is pregnant.”

“Wow,that is big news.” I nodded. I  wanted to ask her about Demi,but I kept it to myself.

We got home,”I’ll get the bags later,I’m really tired.” I headed inside,I turned on the lights,”SURPRISE!!” everyone jumped up,I smiled,”Wow thanks...guys..” I looked around,looking for Demi,but she wasn’t here. “Hey bro!” Nick came up and hugged me,”Hey! Congrats on the engagement!”

“Thanks,and you’re going to be a dad too,wow.” I chuckled,”Yeah,I know it..” he sipped his beer.

“You didn’t just propose because she’s pregnant,right?” I looked at him,”No,I proposed to her a year ago,bro.” he chuckled,”Good,just makin sure.” I nodded,getting myself a beer,”Hey,have you heard from Demi?...”

“She moved to LA...but we haven’t talked to her since we left for college,sorry bro.” Nick sipped his beer,”Why did she move to LA? Did she got to college?” I sipped my beer,curious. Why did my girl,that I was suppose to be forever with,the girl I’m suppose to marry and the girl whose name is tattooed on my chest,move to LA?

“We don’t know,bro….again we haven’t talked to her since our high school graduation.”  Nick shrugged,”Oh,okay.” I went and talked to my other friends that were on my baseball team.

“Dude,we fucking miss you! I say we go to a club tonight. “Caleb said,”I don’t know..” I put my beer down.”Come on,dude. You a wuss?” Caleb snickered,”Dude,I fought for our country,I don’t think I’m a wuss,I’m just tired and I want to sleep early,maybe tomorrow.” I filled a plate with food and walked off.

When the party ended,I decided to help my parents clean the place,”It was nice seeing all my high school friends.” I smiled,cleaning the table,”I figure it would.” my mom gave me a smile,”Mom…” I stopped with what I was doing and looked at her,”Yes,sweetheart?”

“I know I just got back,but I want to fly to see Demi..” I looked at her,she looked up at me,”Joe...LA is a big city...we don’t even know if she’s there.” my mom sighed,”Please...I want to see her...I’ve been worried about her for the last four years,mom...I’m twenty-two now..I can go..I’ll rent a nice hotel room and everything.”

“Fine,go back and find a hotel room,you’re going to LA.” she smiled,”Thank you,mom!” I kissed her cheek,I headed to my room and it was still the same that I left it. Demi and I’s picture on my wall and everything,I sighed. I went online to buy myself a ticket and a hotel room.



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