Chapter 19 - "White Dragon"

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On the outskirts near a certain village, 2 small children carry buckets of fruit towards their houses. As they chatter on happily while walking home, both of them seem to be completely unaware at the fact that they are being followed. Scales gleaming white, and eyes that are clear enough to reflect a person's inner-self, the 'Supreme Heavenly Sky Dragon' stalks its prey.


Back inside the castle...

Rayla: "What do you mean by 'reappeared'? Has it already appeared before? If so... then, I've never heard of such a name."

Elze: "Me too. It's not in any books that I have read before."

Mara: "Well, of course none of you know. Its history has long been sealed away. However, I assure that it's real. The 'Great Demonic End Dragon' is allowed to be recorded in the history books because its existence can cause threats to lives, and the world itself."

Rayla: "Wait... I'm confused. Why would they seal the history of our world's creation? Wouldn't it make for a good history lesson? At least it can help piece out the missing events in the past. It's what we've been working on for years now. The past has so many missing pieces, it's almost too suspicious."

Mara: "Believe me, child. You don't want to know what really happened."

Rayla: "What do you mean? Are you saying that you know what happened 600 yrs. ago?!"

Elze gasped at what Rayla said, and awaits at what Mara may say in response.

Mara: "Who knows? Do I?"

Rayla: "I..."

A knight barged in the room, interrupting the conversation.

(Knight): "The queen wants to see you."

Rayla & Elze were the only ones who felt uneased at the news. Mara & Draiz had no changes in their expression, whatsoever.

(Knight): "All of you."


Arriving in the throne room, Strazz and Frick were already there. As well as a person who seems to be a new member of their team. When the queen arrived and sat on her throne, Strazz, Frick, Rayla, Elze, and the new guy knelt and bowed down, while Mara and Draiz simply stood at the sides. Then, the queen nods at her consort.

(Consort): "The queen grants you all permission to raise your heads."

The group raised their head.

(Queen): "Adventurers. After our hard-fought battle against the undead dragons the other day, I commend you all. However, as much as I want to commemorate this achievement, I'm afraid it will have to wait for another day. A new threat has arrived in the North. It is gradually making its way here to our Kingdom. I fear for the dangers that it may pose for the people. And so, I humbly ask for your assistance once again. With your vast knowledge of the outside world, will you aid us once more?"

(The group): "....................................."

Strazz: "Of course! We will gladly aid you in your time of need."

Rayla: "We'll help however we can."

Frick: "Let me at 'em!"

Elze: "I-... uhh... I-... I'll do my best!"

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