Chapter 1 - "The Awakening"

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"Hmm...... Hmm........."

The first thing I felt was a droplet of water falling right to my eye. The cold water woke me up from my slumber, and when I opened my eyes, it was dark, damp, and cool. How strange for it to be this cold this season.

I was lying down, face first, on my bed, so I switched to a different position, this time facing side-wards to my right place, but... what is this...? This strange feeling on my back...?


I'm too tired to check it out for myself. I'll just resume my usual face-down position, instead.

Few hrs. later...


I wonder what time it is. Huh? Whoa... To think that I managed to remain in my face-down position, until now. Usually, I move around a lot, and then end up in another position once I wake up. Meh... It's just coincidence, I guess.

I move my hand around looking for my clock, but, to no luck. I can't seem to find my stuff. It's too dark, and turning on the lights is too much of a hassle for me. Oh well, like I have any other choice, may as well try to move my body a little, it's troublesome, but it's healthy. Where's the light switch, anyway? I touch around the walls to try and find the switch, but, strange, it feels kinda rocky. Weird. I don't remember me and my family moving. So then, why is my room all rocky, cold, and damp? Very weird. It's almost suspicious. I walk around the place wondering where I would be, thinking of places that match my surroundings, and slowly waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. And, just when my eyes finally got used to the darkness, I can't believe my eyes for giving me such a view.

"I'm... in a cave...?"

Why am I in a cave? More importantly, how did I get here? I glance around at the cave and see a small pond on my left. I look at my reflection on the pond, and see this grotesque silhouette in my human figure's place.

"Am I... a dragon...?"

It sure looks that way. No wonder my back felt strange when I switched positions, before. It was because I had wings! But still, from the looks of it, I'm... a black dragon? There's no doubt that these are black scales, but, why am I a dragon? How did all of this happen? And why me? As all of these thoughts run across my head, when I opened my mouth in agasp, fire came out and blazed through the ceiling!


Though, I have no idea why this is happening to me all of a sudden, I've decided to do the one thing that hasn't changed in me. I walk back to the place where I woke up, and there, I lied down.

"Better sleep this off. If I'm in another world, or something, like in the movies, and other cliché stuff. Then, this is either a dream, or it is actually really happening to me. Oh well, who cares. And besides, I wasted majority of my lifespan in my previous life sleeping, and that hasn't changed in the slightest, even if I'm in another world, or whatever." ...zzz.....

And so, our MC decides to continue his sleep leisures, ignoring the fact that he is now a dragon in another world, and the destiny that awaits of him.

In Another World As A Dragon - Am I Dreaming?Where stories live. Discover now