Lux x Nightmare

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Requested by:MariaBlodgett
Plot:Lux is a child playing outside and finds a baby wolf name Nightmare that was injured and getting attack by a hunter.
Lux pov
I'm running outside as I hear a yelp and run towards it. I see a hunter standing over a wolf pup that looks like some type of tar covering it and one blue eye. I immediately jump in front of the wolf as a sharp pain hits me in the chest and I tried my best not to cry. The hunter immediately runs away as the pup looks up at me confused. I asked,"do you have a name and family?"

I see him shakes his head no twice and I said,"what about Nightmare is that a good name for you and my name is Lux."

Nightmare limps to me as I carefully picked him up as I head to home. When I made there,my parents see me holding a injured pup in my arms. After we patched him up and now he lives with us since he wouldn't leave and my parents allow Nightmare to stay with us.

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