Fresh x Nightmare

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Requested by: MariaBlodgett
Plot: Fresh kidnap Nightmare and forced him to have sex with him.
Note: ok since there's no setting I'll say Fresh's house
Fresh pov
I hear a groan on the bed and slightly turn my head to see Nightmare is awake. When he looks down as he yells, "You the one that fucking kidnap me you ass!"

I chuckle darkly as I say, "you have a such a dirty mouth."

Nightmare pov
Something wrong when I looked down I see myself in my passive form and not only that I'm naked. I felt the bed bent a bit as feel lips on my cheek. I felt a hand went to my cock as it touches my cock which makes me moan out in pleasure. My hand went to the back of Fresh's back as I lean my head back. I moan out when Fresh found my sweet spot and I hear a zipper being undone.

I felt his hands wrap around my hips as he enters my entrance. When he did that I felt pain and pleasure at the same time. I told him to move and Fresh went hard into me. I moan very loudly, "AHHHH~ F-fresh!!"

He grunts as he went faster and harder in me as I continued to moan louder. The sounds of sex echoed in the bedroom. When it's time to cum, I cum onto our bones as Fresh cums deep into me then I passed out.

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