
405 3 2

Requested by: MariaBlodgett
Goth pov
I'm in my room with tears landing onto my pillow as I hiccup knowing that Pallette just done a horrible prank on me. I looked over at my razor and picked it up as I put it on my wrist. I used to it put a very deep wound on me as I think to myself goodbye cruel worlds. I collapsed onto my bedroom floor as my soul shattered.

Pallette pov
I walked to my boyfriends house to Cray with tears going down his face then he sees me . His face was immediately went to rage when he got near me then started to scream at me telling it was my fault that Goth committed suicide because of my jealousy for him hanging out with Cray also I thought he was cheating on me. I started to cry shameful and pain knowing I took things way to hard.

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